Team:KULeuven/18 September 2009


Project progress

Progress of parts

[edit] Blue Light Receptor

  1. gel electrophoresis of the RD of ligY and ligA. all of the inserts were ok and ligA had a right signal.
  2. a motherplate for ligY was made
  3. likA and LogA ligations were electroporated
  4. a new ligation of likA and logA were made and put overnight.

[edit] Vanillin Production

  • Miniprep EFT
  • Restriction digest EFT with X/P
  • Gel electrophoresis EFT for 1,5 hour, because the difference between insert (2600bp) and vector (3100bp) is small.
    • EFT is present in all 4 samples
  • Gel extraction of EFT
  • Ligation of the gel extract and the promotor , and ligation of the non-gel extract and the promotor.
  • Transfered 6 colonies of PAMS to a new plate and on liquid culture.

[edit] Vanillin Receptor

  • We checked if the PstI had cut the mutagenated places by gel-electrophoresis but we forgot to add a sample as positive control so the restriction digest was done again. The result we put on gel and saw that there was no cutting in both samples. Restriction disgest with pstI was now done overnight.
  • virB ligation showed good results so it was electroporated

[edit] Key/Lock/Anti-Key