Team:TUDelft/communication plan Tactics and Inputs


Tactics and Inputs

The tactics and inputs we defined are differentiated to specific audiences, as discussed below.

We want to address this audience by writing articles in journals, journals and newsletters published by the University of Leiden and Delft University of Technology, as well as several presentations.

Table.1 List of journals and newsletter published by University of Leiden and Delft University of Technology.
Digital newsletter ULAugust 2009
website TNWOctober 2009
TU DeltaOctober 2009
Mare(UL)November 2009
Origin Magazine(UL)November 2009

Table.2 List of Presentations.
Presentation atDateLocation
Second meetingh with Groningen iGEM TeamAugust 20Delft
Program Day of Kluyver CentreSeptember 24Wageningen(NL)
BaseClearSeptmber 25Leiden(NL)
iGEM JamboreeOctober 30-November 2Boston(USA)
Kluyver ColloquiumEnd of NovemberTU Delft(NL)
DSMDecember 11Delft(NL)

DSM and BaseClear are two of our sponsors, since there are scientists working at these companies they are also are mentioned in this section.

In science interested public
We want to approach this audience by publishing articles in newsletters, magazines and on websites which contain a science supplement. Therefore we communicated with the Communication department of Delft University of Technology. The Communication department will send a press release right after the Jamboree. This should attract the attention of journalists.

Sponsors and potential sponsors
We provide our sponsors a short article about our project which will be published in the newsletter of the company. After the Jamboree we will send them a second article about the Jamboree and our results. We also will evaluate our cooperation with each sponsor in order to see if we came up to their expectations.

After the Jamboree we will organize a meeting for Life Science & Technology students in order to inform them about the iGEM competitions and about our achievements. By this we aim to gain their interest for participating TU Delft iGEM 2010 team. We want to organize this meeting in cooperation with LIFE, the student union of Life Science & Technology. This meeting will be organized between end of November and start of December. This is a good strategy to start promoting iGEM competition and recruiting students for the next TU Delft iGEM team.
Since the iGEM competition is a multi disciplinary competition it would be useful to inform also other students from the Faculty of Applied Sciences. Therefore we will contact also other Student Unions at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, these are shown in table 4.

Table 4. List of Student Unions.
Name Student UnionsStudyUniversity
SV LIFELife Science&TechnologyTU Delft/UL
De Leidsche FleschNanoscience and Bio-InformaticsUL
Vereniging voor Rechnische physica(VvTP)Applied PhysicsTU Delft
Technologische Gezelschap(TG)Molecular Science& Technology and (Bio)Chemical engineeringTU Delft

Future students
We want to address this audience indirectly by contributing to existing websites which aim to inform this audience. We already had contact with Centre of Society & Genomics which is responsible for the website allesoverDNA (everything about DNA). They would like to publish an article combined with movie fragments about our project on this website. This is still in progress.