Team:Team:Freiburg software/Code/qooxdoo/Store.js



   Copyright: SynBioWave

   License: GPL

   Authors: David Nellessen (
   DESCRIPTION: This class qooxwaveclient.Store is the bridge between the actual data stored
   (in the wave) and the model which is used to build the UI (and interact with wave). 
   You need to pass the wave object, the observed State Keys and the state key, that points to the
   model data. When using this class, you should also set the wave statecallback to processStateUpdate.
   you can use qooxdoos powerfull bind feature to bind the applications model object to the model 
   property of this object. So it will keep in sync the data!


  extend : qx.core.Object,

  //stateKeys must be an array of stateKeys controlled by this store object
  construct : function(wave, observedStateKeys, modelStateKey)
    this.__wave = wave;
    this.__state = wave.getState();
    this.__stateKeys = observedStateKeys;
    this.__modelKey = modelStateKey;
    //this.json = new;
  properties : {
	  connectionsIn : {check : "",  event: "ChangeConnectionsIn", init : new, apply : "_applyConnectionsIn"},
	  connectionsOut : {check : "", event: "ChangeConnectionsOut", init : new, apply : "_applyConnectionsOut"},
	  model : {check : "Object", event : "ChangeModel", init : new Object(), apply : "_applyModel"},
	  modelString : {check : "String", event : "ChangeModelString", init : new String(), apply : "_applyModelString"},
	  modelDebug : {check : "String", event : "ChangeModelDebug", init : new String()}
  events :

  members :
	  //loads data from state and stores it in properties->data according to the stateKeys specified in this object
	  receiveData : function (){
	      if(typeof this.__stateKeys != "object" || typeof this.__state != "object") return false;
	      for(var i = 0; i < this.__stateKeys.length; i++){
	    	  var stateKey = ""+this.__stateKeys[i];
	    	  var stateValue = ""+this.__state.get(stateKey);
	    	  if(stateKey == this.__modelKey){ //process model!
	    	  var connectionsIn = this.getConnectionsIn();
	    	  if(connectionsIn.getItem(i) != stateValue){
	    		  connectionsIn.setItem(i, stateValue);
	    		  this.debug("Updated ConnectionsIn[" + i + "] = " + stateValue);
	  	  return true;
  	  _applyModel : function (value, old) {
  		  this.debug("ApplyModel! vlaue: " + value + " old: " + old);
  	  _applyModelString : function (value, old) {
  		  this.debug("ApplyModelString! vlaue: " + value + " old: " + old);
  		  //ModelString is going to be converted to Model
		  try {
			  value = value.replace(/'/g, "\"");
			  var model = qx.util.Json.parse(value);
			  var backtostring = qx.util.Serializer.toJson(model);
			  this.debug("CONVERTED BACK TO STRING: " + backtostring);
			  //TODO: should build some fallback model!
			  this.debug("ERROR: building model failed! "+ e.message); return false;			  
  	  _applyConnectionsIn : function (value, old) {
  		  //this.debug("ApplyConnectionsIn! vlaue: " + value + " old: " + old);
  	  _applyConnectionsOut : function (value, old) {
  		  //this.debug("ApplyConnectionsOut! vlaue: " + value + " old: " + old);
  	  buildModelFromData : function () {
  		  return false;
  	  processStateUpdate : function() {
  		  this.__state = this.__wave.getState();
  		  this.receiveData() ? this.debug("receiving data... OK") : this.debug("receiving data... ERROR");
  	  //submits delta | TODO: should register the used styte keys 
  	  submitEventDelta : function (delta){  
    	for (var id in delta){
    		this.debug("Submit Delta with KEY: " + id + " Value: " + delta[id]);
    		this.setModelDebug("Submit Delta with KEY: " + id + " Value: " + delta[id]);