Team:Warsaw/Calendar-Main/14 August 2009


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Cloning Bax into pSB1A3 plasmid


Task 1:

  • Gel-out Bax PCR product


  • Bax PCR products were isolated from agarose gel using A&A Gel-Out kit.

Task 2:

  • Digestion and gel-out of pSB1A3 plasmid


  • Digestion of isolated plasmids by XbaI and SpeI
  • Reaction mixture composition: 10.0 μl purified plasmid DNA product, 0.5 μl XbaI (Fermentas),0.5 μl SpeI (Fermentas), 2 μl Buffer Orange (Fermentas), 7.0 μl MQ water
  • The digestion was performed overnight and it was subsequently inactivated via heating in 80°C for 20 minutes.
  • In the next step reaction mixtures were loaded into the agarose gel to analize restriction pattern of the plasmids and isolated using A&A Gel-Out kit

Task 3:

  • Ligation of Bax and pSB1A3


  • Ligation mix:
  • 1.0 μl - T4 ligase
    2.5 μl - Tango buffer (Fermentas, 10x)
    2.0 μl - dNTPs (EURx, 5μlM)
    5.0 μl - digested pSB1A3 (~100 ng)
    14.5 μl - Bax (~ 105 ng)
    in 25.0 μll
  • Ligation time - overnight

Task 4:

  • Insertion of Bax-pSB1A3 plasmid into bacteria


  • Previously prepared chemicompetent bacteria were used.

Assembly of endosomal detection operon


Task 1:

  • Isolate the plasmid prepared in 13.08.09


  • Plasmids were isolated using the A&A plasmid mini kit. Detailed procedure of the isolation is described here

Task 2:


  • Reaction mixture composition:
    20 μl purified plasmid DNA product
    1 μl XbaI (Fermentas) or 0,5 μl SpeI (Fermentas) in the case of R0080
    1 μl PstI (Fermentas)
    5 μl Buffer Tango (Fermentas)
    24 μl MQ water

Task 3:

  • Gel-out of digest sequences described in Task 1


  • Fragments of agarose gel were carefully cut out and subsequently frozen in -20°C>


Verification of the digestions


Restriction digests of samples containing BBa_E0022 and BBa_B0032+BBa_C0040 were unsuccessful, probably the probes were contaminared. Because of this fact I decided to repeat the digest.

Task 4:

  • Another digest of E0022 and C0040+B0032


  • Reaction mixture composition:
    20 μl purified plasmid DNA product
    1 μl XbaI (Fermentas)
    1 μl PstI (Fermentas)
    5 μl Buffer Tango (Fermentas)
    24 μl MQ water

Task 5:

  • Transformation of chemocompetent E. coli strain DH5&alpha

Constructs to transform:


  • Ligation prepared in 08.08.09 was stopped via thermal inactivation in 80°C for 20 minutes
  • Detailed protocol of transformation is described here.

Task 6:

  • Prepare chemocompetent TOP10 bacteria strain (I worked with Kuba)
