Uppsala-Sweden/6 August 2009

From 2009.igem.org

Plasmid Prep for PpetE

Plasmid prep was performed using GenElute™ Plasmid Miniprep Kit

Digestion of ADH2(Z),pirB, pdc, PpetE, adh2(Y)

Digestion was performed using EcoRI and PstI from Fermentas with this protocol (Protocol for Fast Digestion of Unpurified PCR Products with FastDigest® Enzymes))

The calculated amounts for the digestion are written down here : Media:Digestion_06082009.xls

Purification of ADH2(Z),pirB, pdc, PpetE, adh2(Y)

Purification of the digestion mix was performed with Nucleo Spin® Extract 2, PCR cleanup protocol from Clontech

Purified product (50µl) in 1.5ml eppendorfs.

--Karl.brune 08:56, 10 August 2009 (UTC)