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University of Alberta - BioBytes

DIY Automation

One of the main themes of this project, as well as iGEM in general, is that simplification of both parts and processes provided by the synthetic biology movement are capable of bringing relatively advanced biological techniques 'to the masses'.

With one of the DNA assembly techinques that have been developed during the course of the summer, the goal was to speed up and simplify a very time consuming process. The hope is that it would be simple enough to be used by high school students. Better yet, a trained monkey. Even better still, a simple robotic device, thereby leaving the both the original lab technician, the high school student, and the trained monkey more time for beer, which leads to the situation where a lab techician, high school student and monkey all walk into the bar (cliche, I know).

The Robotic Device

So about this robotic device. Since the DNA assembly method consists mainly of a few repeated and simple actions, interspersed with relatively long wait periods, it seemed like a good canidate for a little bit of automation. This little automaton is built entirely out of a popular plastic construction set, using the only the standard pieces and hardware.

  • Why use a 'toy'?

    So why would you want to use something not too far from a toy to build such a device, when there are so many other resources available? The construction set was chosen because of the reality that not everybody has access to a machine shop, PCB manufacturing equipment, and a microcontroller programmer. These things are usually pretty expensive too, which would probably preclude large chunks of people from being able partake in such robotic delight. The hope was that by using things that are relatively inexpensive, and readily available parts, places like highschools etc would be able to make use of this.

Hardware and Software

  • Hardware

    Since the idea was to only parts that came with the construction kit, the problem was a lot like on the Apollo 13 movie, where the engineer comes into the room with a big box of stuff and says something to the effect of, "We have to solve our probelm using nothing but this." So the hardware for the robot consists of pieces from the construction kit. Also used was some electrical tape, some small rare earth magnets, and a pipette tip. Oh, and a thin bolt that I found underneath my desk. Ok, scratch that, I didn't really end up using the bolt, I substituted more tape.

    The easiest and perhaps only way of accomplishing the automation of the DNA assembly protocol using only the parts in the kit was to move the beads from one well to another, where the wells had previously been filled with the correct DNA pieces, washes, etc. The other option would have been to hold the beads in one place, and move the liqiud in and out of a single tube, as had been done by the experiments that are currently performing the protocol. Dispensing liquids via a pipette or other means was deemed to be difficult to do using only the 3 motors provided in the kit. A sort of 'dip pen' method was settled on, where the beads would be attracted to a 'pen' placed in one well, the lifted up and placed in another well, where they would be shaken off and allowed to sit in the solution.

    The physical design of the robot was probably the most challenging and time consuming parts of the whole process. This was mainly owing to the fact that the plastic construction pieces and only lengths and sizes of the different types of pieces. Also a problem was the amount of 'flex' or 'wiggle' that you could get out of the plastic parts. This led to a few failed implementations that had to be completely disassembled and started again. The current physical implementation owes its inspiration to Hans Andersons sudoku solving robot ( This adapted design allowed for the necessary amount of precision for 'pen' to be positioned over the well, along with the advantage of not possessing a large number ot points where the play in the gears and joints would become a problem.

  • Software

    There was a bit more leeway with the choice of software. For this, nxtOSEK ( was used to program the 'brains' of the robot. The instructions for installation are located here: This installation requires quite a few different steps, and a few different things to be installed, either on the robot brain, or on the programming computer. Unlike some of the other programming methods available, this one has the advantage of being free of charge.

    In order to preserve the original functionality of the robot brain, in the event that it would be used for something different later, the firmware loaded onto the brain was John Hansen's Enhanced NXT firmware ( While this did limit the size of the program that could be loaded, it was felt that it would be unlikely that the program would be large enough to strike this upper limit.

    The programming itself can be done in can be done in a few different languages, but the the language used for this implementation was C++.

    Software design was very straightforward. Using examples provided for nxtOSEK, the syntax necessary for interacting with the motor classes was easy. The difficult part is working out the program such that the robot is able to position the dip-pen overtop of the desired well most of the time.

Getting to a Working Prototype

  • Calibration

    Due to the fact that no sensors were really used in the final plan for this robot, the calibration of its movement was one of the single most time consuming and aggravating parts of the whole process. Due the the fact that all the distances were 'dead reckoned' rather than sorted out on the fly, many times and distances had to be estimated and ultimately changed in an iterative process that allowed for something that came close to working. One of the problems that was discovered during this calibration process is the problem the physical set up posed with odometry. There seems to be a problem somewhere in either the motors themselves or some firmware/software issue, and the issue is such that some of the robots travelled distance 'disappears' as far as it is concerned. Due to the dead reckoning, it is vital that the robot be able to know how far it has traveled, so that it will be able to make it back, after it has traveled some distance. This is also important for it being able to accurately strike the wells, and also for staying within the boundaries of the plate.


  • What it actually does:

  • Problems

    • Sensitivity to initial conditions

    • Odometry

    • Sensitivity to power levels

Future Work

  • Extensibility - Moving away from construction sets

    Despite all of the good things about using a construction set, it does introduce some serious limitations. To introduce more features and reliability, there are a few options. The first, and perhaps easiest, is to just get another robotic brain and set of motors. This way you can run six motors rather than the usual three, allowing you to control more things. The robotic brains are capable of communicating with each other wirelessly, so it would not be difficult to create one robotic platform that performs the desired tasks.

    Slightly more complex would be to purchase one of the third party servo controller boards that are available, along with a bunch of servos. Not only do these servo controller boards allow for the connection of more that 3 different motors, the servos that they are capable of connecting are superior in that they are able to provide more accurate positioning when compared to the motors provided with the construction set. Unfortunately, by default, these servos are not capable of full rotation, but can be purchased with the modifications predone, or the modifications can be performed yourself.

    The most complex option, would be to do away with the construction kit entirely, or at least the brains and motor parts. The physical building pieces may still be able to be used, depending on your design. Replacing the robotic brain would either be a more advanced microcontroller, or a direct connection to a computer (not really a robot anymore, but hey). The servos previously mentioned would be used for driving the motion of the machine, and would be controlled via pulse width modulation from whatever controller was being used. This option has the advantages of being the most customisable, but you definitely pay the price in monetary cost, and in complexity of design (both programming and physical design).

    The original plan for this automation project was to first use only the pieces present in the construction set to perform the 'dip-pen' method of bead movement that is presented here. The second part was use third party parts to give the robot the power to be able to dispense its own liquids, thereby allowing the beads to stay in one tube, and the liquids to be moved around. Due to time and budget constraints, the more complex robot that would be capable of moving its own liquids remains a pen and paper design.

In the event that you want to build it yourself...

  • Are you crazy?

  • More seriously:

    Source code is a work in progress and as such has not been posted here. However, the latest, most up to date version is available upon request. The physical setup is also somewhat a work in progress. Also, creating the LCad drawings would have taken forever. Should you desire building instructions, high resolution photographs can be taken from multiple angles and sent instead.