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In 1933, Alexander Fleming, who discovered penicillin in 1927, exhibited his ‘germ paintings’. It was the origin of “BioArt” that represents a crossover of art and the biological sciences with genes, proteins, cells and animals. Fleming’s early works were reductively judged in the terms of its aesthetic criteria, beauty. In this year, our project consists of two interrelated themes.

1. We try to create a new tool for “germ paintings” by integrating cell-to-cell communication with motility, color and other behavior such as fragrance.

2. Using this tool, we try to draw not only patterns but also paintings.

BioArt is still at the threshold of definition because of the lack of interdisciplinary work. Given such current condition, we will consider significance and prospect of BioArt through doing works and discussion with artist.


The expression range of art is limited by media, each of which has several limitations about forms of expression. For example, art works expressed by computer graphic are distinct from ones expressed by oils if creators aim same intention. If we could limitation will expand possibilities of art. By the same token, a specific request from art to science will make it more advanced. Art and science are both method to gain a better insight into the essence. Then we decided to work on art and science by using "Bio", referring to results of each other interactively. It is unique and effective way to get the essence.

We named the results of our science activity "Colrcoli" and developed it in three categories "Color", "Signal" and "Motility". We used it as a tool for art and making a piece of work.