Minnesota/9 June 2009

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Today Patrick arrived and began working on getting up to speed on the team's TTL model and creating the TTN model he will eventually be working on.
The model created was similar to that described previously except with the addition of a second tet operon (tetO2):

Reaction Forward Kinetic Constant Reverse Kinetic Constant
RNAp + lacP + tetO1 + tetO2 ↔ RNAp:lacP1E+07 1
RNA:lacP -> RNAp:lacP* .01
RNAp:lacP* -> lacP + tetO1 + tetO2 + RNAp:DNAgfp30
RNAp:DNAgfp -> RNAp + gfp_mRNA30
gfp_mRNA + rib -> rib:gfp_mRNA100000
rib:gfp_mRNA -> rib:gfp_mRNA_1 + gfp_mRNA33
rib:gfp_mRNA_1 -> rib + gfp33
gfp_mRNA -> Ø1.16E-03
gfp -> Ø3.21E-05
tetR2 + aTc ↔ tetR2:aTc2E+094E-04
tetR2:aTc + aTc ↔ tetR2:aTc21E+081E-03
tetR2 + tetO1 ↔ tetR2:tetO11E+081E-03
tetR2:aTc + tetO1 ↔ tetR2:tetO1:aTc1E+081
tetR2:aTc2 + tetO1 ↔ tetR2:tetO1:aTc21E+081E+05
tetR2:tetO1 + aTc ↔ tetR2:tetO1:aTc1E+081E-03
tetR2:tetO1:aTc + aTc ↔ tetR2:tetO1:aTc21E+081E-03
tetR2 + tetO2 ↔ tetR2:tetO21E+081E-03
tetR2:aTc + tetO2 ↔ tetR2:tetO2:aTc1E+081
tetR2:aTc2 + tetO2 ↔ tetR2:tetO2:aTc21E+081E+05
tetR2:tetO2 + aTc ↔ tetR2:tetO2:aTc1E+081E-03
tetR2:tetO2:aTc + aTc ↔ tetR2:tetO2:aTc21E+081E-03
tetR2 -> Ø2.89E-04
tetR2:aTc -> aTc2.89E-04
tetR2:aTc2 -> 2 aTc2.89E-04
tetR2 + nsDNA ↔ tetR2:nsDNA10003.2409
tetR2:aTc + nsDNA ↔ tetR2:aTc:nsDNA10003.2409
tetR2:aTc:nsDNA -> aTc + nsDNA1.93E-04
tetR2:nsDNA -> nsDNA1.93E-04
Ø -> tetR21E-11
Ø -> aTc3.3E-04