Team:TorontoMaRSDiscovery/5 June 2009


Revision as of 15:04, 20 October 2009 by Shung (Talk | contribs)
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June 5, 2009

  1. Tet plates made
    Recipe for 200 ml (approx. 10 plates):
    2.2 g agar in 200 ml fresh LB
    Note: do not re-autoclave LB, it will caramelize!
    Recipe for 200 ml LB:
    a) 1 g yeast extract
    b) 2 g peptotryptone
    c) 2 g NaCl
    d) 200 ml water
  2. Autoclaved at 11:20 a.m., picked up at 1:15 p.m. and cooled in water bath at 37 degrees Celsius
  3. Added 200 microlitres tetracycline stock (from -20 freezer) to final concentration of 20 microgram/ml
  4. Swirl and poured into prepared, labeled plates
    • Note: label on plates reads June 3, 2009 but should be June 5, 2009 (8 plates in total - either I overpoured or these plates are a bit larger than I was used to)
  5. Inverted and put in 37 degree incubator to dry