Team:Warsaw/Calendar-Main/22 April 2009


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PCR hly



  • Amplification of hly


  • PCR mixture's composition:

    2,5μl pfu buffer (Fermentas), 2,5μl MgSO4 (Fermentas), 1,5μl primers, 1,5μl dNTPs (10 mM), 0,5μl pfu turbo polymerase (od Antka, ale KNGiE też powinna działać), 1μl template DNA from Listeria, solution was topped up with H2O to 25μl.

    1 repeat of every sample was made (2 different programs).

    Additionally for each sample was made version with 10∗ dilution of template.

  • PCR programs:
  • hly

    4min 95°C 
    (30s 95°C, 35s 42°C, 1min20s 72°C)x3
    (30s 95°C, 35s 47°C, 1min20s 72°C)x28
    10min 72°C
    ~ 7°C

    random program

  • Electrophoretic separation on 1% agarose gel


  • Gel (from left)
  1. GeneRuler DNA Ladder Mix #SM0333 (Fermentas)
  2. hly control -
  3. hly
  4. hly (10x diluted template)
  5. hly control -*
  6. hly*
  7. hly (10x diluted template)*

* random program

hly was succesfully amplified (termocykler z gradientem w pokoju 145)