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Yuwei Cui

Fields of Interest

Systems and synthetic biology, first principles calculation, Monte Carlo Algorithm

Curriculum Vitae

Research Experience

{\bf Key Laboratory of Quantum Information, CAS}\hfill {\bf Apr. 2008 - Present}

\vspace{-.3cm} {\em Participation in the Development of ESP} \hfill { Apr. 2008 - Mar. 2009}\\ Study density functional theory and participated in the development of a first principles electronic structure package(ESP) implementing Order-N Algorithm into it.

%\vspace{-.1cm} {\em First Principles Calculation of $AFe_{2}As_{2}$ system} \hfill { Mar. 2009 - Aug. 2009}\\ Learn to use some other ab-initio simulation package such as VASP and PWscf. During a project cooperated with Prof. X.H. Chen's experimental group, calculation of iron-based 122 system have been systemically carried out, which is in good agreement with experimental results. Furthermore, magnetic structure of $EuFe_{2}As_{2}$ predicted from the calculation results is confirmed by later neutron scattering experiments.

{\em Monte Carlo Simulation of $La_{2}CuO_{4}$} \hfill { Aug. 2009 - present}\\ Learn to use Monte-Carlo method to simulate the phase transition behavior of monolayer copper oxide $La_{2}CuO_{4}$. To understand the subtle magnetic structure and the driven force of the AFM phase transition, large numbers of papers have been studied carefully.

{\bf School of Life Science}\hfill {\bf Jun. 2009 - Present.}\\ Bring forward an absolutely new method to analysis complex network and consummated it in the summer encouraged by Dr. Z. Liang. From comprehension of complex network and utilization of Monte Carlo method, I introduce a global index to evaluate the stability of a network and a set of local indexes to evaluate importance of single node simultaneously. After systemical tests, I found that the global index could successfully distinguish natural network from other artificial networks of the same size and the distribution of local indexes have interesting peaks which can reveal topological properties of a network. This work has already been submitted to PNAS.

Working Papers