def model sinIsinR as def unit per_s from unit second {expo: -1}; enddef; def unit M from unit mole; unit liter {expo: -1}; enddef; def unit nM from unit M {pref: nano}; enddef; def unit per_nM from unit nM {expo: -1}; enddef; def unit nM_per_s from unit nM; unit per_s; enddef; def comp temporalExistence as var time: second {pub: out}; enddef; def comp P1_Promoter_Activity as var alpha_1: dimensionless {pub: out}; var R_4: dimensionless {pub: in}; var RNAP: dimensionless {init: 30}; var S2: dimensionless {init: 5}; var K2: dimensionless; var K3: dimensionless; var K4: dimensionless; var K5: dimensionless; var K6: dimensionless; var K7: dimensionless; var K8: dimensionless; var RT: dimensionless {init: 1.62}; var G2: dimensionless {init: -10.5}; var G3: dimensionless {init: -12.5}; var G4: dimensionless {init: -9}; var G5: dimensionless {init: -21.5}; var G6: dimensionless {init: -21.5}; var G7: dimensionless {init: -22.5}; var G8: dimensionless {init: -33.5}; K2 = exp(-G2/RT)*1e-9{dimensionless}; K3 = exp(-G3/RT)*1e-9{dimensionless}; K4 = exp(-G4/RT)*1e-9{dimensionless}; K5 = exp(-G5/RT)*1e-9{dimensionless}; K6 = exp(-G6/RT)*1e-9{dimensionless}; K7 = exp(-G7/RT)*1e-9{dimensionless}; K8 = exp(-G8/RT)*1e-9{dimensionless}; alpha_1 = K6*RNAP*S2/(1{dimensionless}+K2*RNAP+K3*R_4+K4*S2+K5*S2*R_4+K6*S2*RNAP+K7*RNAP*R_4+K8*S2*RNAP*R_4); enddef; def comp P1_Transcription as var time: second {pub: in}; var k_1: per_s {init: 0.15}; var alpha_1: dimensionless {pub: in}; var gamma_1: per_s {init: 0.005}; var m_1: dimensionless {init: 0, pub: out}; ode(m_1, time) = k_1*alpha_1-gamma_1*m_1; enddef; def comp P3_Transcription as var time: second {pub: in}; var k_3: per_s {init: 0.02}; var gamma_3: per_s {init: 0.005}; var m_3: dimensionless {init: 0, pub: out}; ode(m_3, time) = k_3-gamma_3*m_3; enddef; def comp SinI_Interface as var JTotal: per_s {pub: out}; var m_1: dimensionless {pub: in}; var A_I: per_s {init: 0.8}; var JDegradation: per_s {pub: in}; var J_IR_Formation: per_s {pub: in}; JTotal = A_I*m_1-JDegradation-J_IR_Formation; enddef; def comp SinI_Degradation as var gamma_I: per_s {init: 0.02}; var I: dimensionless {pub: in}; var JDegradation: per_s {pub: out}; JDegradation = gamma_I*I; enddef; def comp SinI as var time: second {pub: in}; var JTotal: per_s {pub: in}; var I: dimensionless {init: 0, pub: out}; ode(I, time) = JTotal; enddef; def comp IR_Formation as var J_IR_Formation: per_s {pub: out}; var k_on_I: per_s {init: 0.083}; var I: dimensionless {pub: in}; var R: dimensionless {pub: in}; var k_off_I: per_s {init: 0.5}; var IR: dimensionless {pub: in}; J_IR_Formation = k_on_I*I*R-k_off_I*IR; enddef; def comp IR_Interface as var JTotal: per_s {pub: out}; var JDegradation: per_s {pub: in}; var J_IR_Formation: per_s {pub: in}; JTotal = J_IR_Formation-JDegradation; enddef; def comp IR as var time: second {pub: in}; var JTotal: per_s {pub: in}; var IR: dimensionless {init: 0, pub: out}; ode(IR, time) = JTotal; enddef; def comp IR_Degradation as var gamma_R: per_s {init: 0.002}; var IR: dimensionless {pub: in}; var JDegradation: per_s {pub: out}; JDegradation = gamma_R*IR; enddef; def comp SinR_Interface as var JTotal: per_s {pub: out}; var m_1: dimensionless {pub: in}; var m_3: dimensionless {pub: in}; var A_R: per_s {init: 0.014}; var JDegradation: per_s {pub: in}; var J_IR_Formation: per_s {pub: in}; var J_R4_Formation: per_s {pub: in}; JTotal = A_R*(m_1+m_3)-JDegradation-J_IR_Formation-J_R4_Formation*4{dimensionless}; enddef; def comp SinR_Degradation as var gamma_R: per_s {init: 0.002}; var R: dimensionless {pub: in}; var JDegradation: per_s {pub: out}; JDegradation = gamma_R*R; enddef; def comp SinR as var time: second {pub: in}; var JTotal: per_s {pub: in}; var R: dimensionless {init: 0, pub: out}; ode(R, time) = JTotal; enddef; def comp R4_Formation as var J_R4_Formation: per_s {pub: out}; var R: dimensionless {pub: in}; var R_4: dimensionless {pub: in}; var k_on_R: per_s {init: 0.00125}; var k_off_R: per_s {init: 0.5}; J_R4_Formation = k_on_R*pow(R, 4{dimensionless})-k_off_R*R_4; enddef; def comp R4_Interface as var JTotal: per_s {pub: out}; var J_R4_Formation: per_s {pub: in}; JTotal = J_R4_Formation; enddef; def comp R4 as var time: second {pub: in}; var JTotal: per_s {pub: in}; var R_4: dimensionless {init: 0, pub: out}; ode(R_4, time) = JTotal; enddef; def map between temporalExistence and P1_Transcription for vars time and time; enddef; def map between temporalExistence and P3_Transcription for vars time and time; enddef; def map between temporalExistence and SinI for vars time and time; enddef; def map between temporalExistence and IR for vars time and time; enddef; def map between temporalExistence and SinR for vars time and time; enddef; def map between temporalExistence and R4 for vars time and time; enddef; def map between P1_Transcription and SinI_Interface for vars m_1 and m_1; enddef; def map between P1_Transcription and SinR_Interface for vars m_1 and m_1; enddef; def map between P3_Transcription and SinR_Interface for vars m_3 and m_3; enddef; def map between SinI_Interface and SinI for vars JTotal and JTotal; enddef; def map between SinI and SinI_Degradation for vars I and I; enddef; def map between SinI and IR_Formation for vars I and I; enddef; def map between SinI_Degradation and SinI_Interface for vars JDegradation and JDegradation; enddef; def map between IR_Formation and SinI_Interface for vars J_IR_Formation and J_IR_Formation; enddef; def map between IR_Formation and IR_Interface for vars J_IR_Formation and J_IR_Formation; enddef; def map between IR_Formation and SinR_Interface for vars J_IR_Formation and J_IR_Formation; enddef; def map between IR_Interface and IR for vars JTotal and JTotal; enddef; def map between IR and IR_Formation for vars IR and IR; enddef; def map between IR and IR_Degradation for vars IR and IR; enddef; def map between IR_Degradation and IR_Interface for vars JDegradation and JDegradation; enddef; def map between SinR_Interface and SinR for vars JTotal and JTotal; enddef; def map between SinR and IR_Formation for vars R and R; enddef; def map between SinR and SinR_Degradation for vars R and R; enddef; def map between SinR and R4_Formation for vars R and R; enddef; def map between SinR_Degradation and SinR_Interface for vars JDegradation and JDegradation; enddef; def map between R4_Formation and SinR_Interface for vars J_R4_Formation and J_R4_Formation; enddef; def map between R4_Formation and R4_Interface for vars J_R4_Formation and J_R4_Formation; enddef; def map between R4_Interface and R4 for vars JTotal and JTotal; enddef; def map between R4 and R4_Formation for vars R_4 and R_4; enddef; def map between R4 and P1_Promoter_Activity for vars R_4 and R_4; enddef; def map between P1_Promoter_Activity and P1_Transcription for vars alpha_1 and alpha_1; enddef; enddef;