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(New page: <html> <script type="text/javascript"> /* * jQuery clueTip plugin * Version 1.0.4 (June 28, 2009) * @requires jQuery v1.2.6+ * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * htt...) |
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* jQuery clueTip plugin | * jQuery clueTip plugin | ||
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Latest revision as of 14:38, 12 August 2009
* jQuery clueTip plugin * Version 1.0.4 (June 28, 2009) * @requires jQuery v1.2.6+ * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * * * */
* * Full list of options/settings can be found at the bottom of this file and at * * Examples can be found at *
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- (function($) {
$.cluetip = {version: '1.0.4'}; var $cluetip, $cluetipInner, $cluetipOuter, $cluetipTitle, $cluetipArrows, $cluetipWait, $dropShadow, imgCount; $.fn.cluetip = function(js, options) { if (typeof js == 'object') { options = js; js = null; } if (js == 'destroy') { return this.unbind('.cluetip'); } return this.each(function(index) { var link = this, $this = $(this); // support metadata plugin (v1.0 and 2.0) var opts = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.cluetip.defaults, options || {}, $.metadata ? $this.metadata() : $.meta ? $ : {});
// start out with no contents (for ajax activation) var cluetipContents = false; var cluezIndex = +opts.cluezIndex; $'thisInfo', {title: link.title, zIndex: cluezIndex}); var isActive = false, closeOnDelay = 0;
// create the cluetip divs if (!$('#cluetip').length) {$(['
'', '', '
[insertionType](insertionElement).hide(); $cluetip = $('#cluetip').css({position: 'absolute'}); $cluetipOuter = $('#cluetip-outer').css({position: 'relative', zIndex: cluezIndex}); $cluetipInner = $('#cluetip-inner'); $cluetipTitle = $('#cluetip-title'); $cluetipArrows = $('#cluetip-arrows');$cluetipWait = $('')
.css({position: 'absolute'}).insertBefore($cluetip).hide(); } var dropShadowSteps = (opts.dropShadow) ? +opts.dropShadowSteps : 0; if (!$dropShadow) { $dropShadow = $([]); for (var i=0; i < dropShadowSteps; i++) {$dropShadow = $dropShadow.add($('').css({zIndex: cluezIndex-1, opacity:.1, top: 1+i, left: 1+i}));
}; $dropShadow.css({position: 'absolute', backgroundColor: '#000'}) .prependTo($cluetip); } var tipAttribute = $this.attr(opts.attribute), ctClass = opts.cluetipClass; if (!tipAttribute && !opts.splitTitle && !js) return true; // if hideLocal is set to true, on DOM ready hide the local content that will be displayed in the clueTip if (opts.local && opts.localPrefix) {tipAttribute = opts.localPrefix + tipAttribute;} if (opts.local && opts.hideLocal) { $(tipAttribute + ':first').hide(); } var tOffset = parseInt(opts.topOffset, 10), lOffset = parseInt(opts.leftOffset, 10); // vertical measurement variables var tipHeight, wHeight, defHeight = isNaN(parseInt(opts.height, 10)) ? 'auto' : (/\D/g).test(opts.height) ? opts.height : opts.height + 'px'; var sTop, linkTop, posY, tipY, mouseY, baseline; // horizontal measurement variables var tipInnerWidth = parseInt(opts.width, 10) || 275, tipWidth = tipInnerWidth + (parseInt($cluetip.css('paddingLeft'),10)||0) + (parseInt($cluetip.css('paddingRight'),10)||0) + dropShadowSteps, linkWidth = this.offsetWidth, linkLeft, posX, tipX, mouseX, winWidth; // parse the title var tipParts; var tipTitle = (opts.attribute != 'title') ? $this.attr(opts.titleAttribute) : ; if (opts.splitTitle) { if(tipTitle == undefined) {tipTitle = ;} tipParts = tipTitle.split(opts.splitTitle); tipTitle = tipParts.shift(); } if (opts.escapeTitle) { tipTitle = tipTitle.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/</g,'<'); } var localContent; function returnFalse() { return false; }
- /
//activate clueTip
var activate = function(event) { if (!opts.onActivate($this)) { return false; } isActive = true; $cluetip.removeClass().css({width: tipInnerWidth}); if (tipAttribute == $this.attr('href')) { $this.css('cursor', opts.cursor); } if (opts.hoverClass) { $this.addClass(opts.hoverClass); } linkTop = posY = $this.offset().top; linkLeft = $this.offset().left; mouseX = event.pageX; mouseY = event.pageY; if (link.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'area') { sTop = $(document).scrollTop(); winWidth = $(window).width(); }
// position clueTip horizontally
if (opts.positionBy == 'fixed') { posX = linkWidth + linkLeft + lOffset; $cluetip.css({left: posX}); } else { posX = (linkWidth > linkLeft && linkLeft > tipWidth) || linkLeft + linkWidth + tipWidth + lOffset > winWidth ? linkLeft - tipWidth - lOffset : linkWidth + linkLeft + lOffset; if (link.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'area' || opts.positionBy == 'mouse' || linkWidth + tipWidth > winWidth) { // position by mouse if (mouseX + 20 + tipWidth > winWidth) { $cluetip.addClass(' cluetip-' + ctClass); posX = (mouseX - tipWidth - lOffset) >= 0 ? mouseX - tipWidth - lOffset - parseInt($cluetip.css('marginLeft'),10) + parseInt($cluetipInner.css('marginRight'),10) : mouseX - (tipWidth/2); } else { posX = mouseX + lOffset; } } var pY = posX < 0 ? event.pageY + tOffset : event.pageY; $cluetip.css({ left: (posX > 0 && opts.positionBy != 'bottomTop') ? posX : (mouseX + (tipWidth/2) > winWidth) ? winWidth/2 - tipWidth/2 : Math.max(mouseX - (tipWidth/2),0), zIndex: $'thisInfo').zIndex }); $cluetipArrows.css({zIndex: $'thisInfo').zIndex+1}); } wHeight = $(window).height();
- load a string from cluetip method's first argument
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if (js) { if (typeof js == 'function') { js = js(link); } $cluetipInner.html(js); cluetipShow(pY); }
- load the title attribute only (or user-selected attribute).
- clueTip title is the string before the first delimiter
- subsequent delimiters place clueTip body text on separate lines
- /
else if (tipParts) { var tpl = tipParts.length; $cluetipInner.html(tipParts[0]); if (tpl > 1) { for (var i=1; i < tpl; i++){$cluetipInner.append('
' + tipParts[i] + '
} } cluetipShow(pY); }
- load external file via ajax
- /
else if (!opts.local && tipAttribute.indexOf('#') != 0) { if (/\.(jpe?g|tiff?|gif|png)$/i.test(tipAttribute)) { $cluetipInner.html('<img src="' + tipAttribute + '" alt="' + tipTitle + '" />'); cluetipShow(pY); } else if (cluetipContents && opts.ajaxCache) { $cluetipInner.html(cluetipContents); cluetipShow(pY); } else { var optionBeforeSend = opts.ajaxSettings.beforeSend, optionError = opts.ajaxSettings.error, optionSuccess = opts.ajaxSettings.success, optionComplete = opts.ajaxSettings.complete; var ajaxSettings = { cache: false, // force requested page not to be cached by browser url: tipAttribute, beforeSend: function(xhr) { if (optionBeforeSend) {, xhr, $cluetip, $cluetipInner);} $cluetipOuter.children().empty(); if (opts.waitImage) { $cluetipWait .css({top: mouseY+20, left: mouseX+20, zIndex: $'thisInfo').zIndex-1}) .show(); } }, error: function(xhr, textStatus) { if (isActive) { if (optionError) {, xhr, textStatus, $cluetip, $cluetipInner); } else { $cluetipInner.html('sorry, the contents could not be loaded'); } } }, success: function(data, textStatus) { cluetipContents =, data); if (isActive) { if (optionSuccess) {, data, textStatus, $cluetip, $cluetipInner);} $cluetipInner.html(cluetipContents); } }, complete: function(xhr, textStatus) { if (optionComplete) {, xhr, textStatus, $cluetip, $cluetipInner);} imgCount = $('#cluetip-inner img').length; if (imgCount && !$.browser.opera) { $('#cluetip-inner img').bind('load error', function() { imgCount--; if (imgCount<1) { $cluetipWait.hide(); if (isActive) cluetipShow(pY); } }); } else { $cluetipWait.hide(); if (isActive) { cluetipShow(pY); } } } }; var ajaxMergedSettings = $.extend(true, {}, opts.ajaxSettings, ajaxSettings); $.ajax(ajaxMergedSettings); }
- load an element from the same page
- /
} else if (opts.local) { var $localContent = $(tipAttribute + (/#\S+$/.test(tipAttribute) ? : ':eq(' + index + ')')).clone(true).show(); $cluetipInner.html($localContent); cluetipShow(pY); } };
// get dimensions and options for cluetip and prepare it to be shown
var cluetipShow = function(bpY) { $cluetip.addClass('cluetip-' + ctClass); if (opts.truncate) { var $truncloaded = $cluetipInner.text().slice(0,opts.truncate) + '...'; $cluetipInner.html($truncloaded); } function doNothing() {}; //empty function tipTitle ? $ : (opts.showTitle) ? $' ') : $cluetipTitle.hide(); if (opts.sticky) {var $closeLink = $('
<a href="#">' + opts.closeText + '</a>
(opts.closePosition == 'bottom') ? $closeLink.appendTo($cluetipInner) : (opts.closePosition == 'title') ? $closeLink.prependTo($cluetipTitle) : $closeLink.prependTo($cluetipInner); $closeLink.bind('click.cluetip', function() { cluetipClose(); return false; }); if (opts.mouseOutClose) { $cluetip.bind('mouseleave.cluetip', function() { cluetipClose(); }); } else { $cluetip.unbind('mouseleave.cluetip'); } }
// now that content is loaded, finish the positioning
var direction = ; $cluetipOuter.css({zIndex: $'thisInfo').zIndex, overflow: defHeight == 'auto' ? 'visible' : 'auto', height: defHeight}); tipHeight = defHeight == 'auto' ? Math.max($cluetip.outerHeight(),$cluetip.height()) : parseInt(defHeight,10); tipY = posY; baseline = sTop + wHeight; if (opts.positionBy == 'fixed') { tipY = posY - opts.dropShadowSteps + tOffset; } else if ( (posX < mouseX && Math.max(posX, 0) + tipWidth > mouseX) || opts.positionBy == 'bottomTop') { if (posY + tipHeight + tOffset > baseline && mouseY - sTop > tipHeight + tOffset) { tipY = mouseY - tipHeight - tOffset; direction = 'top'; } else { tipY = mouseY + tOffset; direction = 'bottom'; } } else if ( posY + tipHeight + tOffset > baseline ) { tipY = (tipHeight >= wHeight) ? sTop : baseline - tipHeight - tOffset; } else if ($this.css('display') == 'block' || link.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'area' || opts.positionBy == "mouse") { tipY = bpY - tOffset; } else { tipY = posY - opts.dropShadowSteps; } if (direction == ) { posX < linkLeft ? direction = 'left' : direction = 'right'; } $cluetip.css({top: tipY + 'px'}).removeClass().addClass('clue-' + direction + '-' + ctClass).addClass(' cluetip-' + ctClass); if (opts.arrows) { // set up arrow positioning to align with element var bgY = (posY - tipY - opts.dropShadowSteps); $cluetipArrows.css({top: (/(left|right)/.test(direction) && posX >=0 && bgY > 0) ? bgY + 'px' : /(left|right)/.test(direction) ? 0 : }).show(); } else { $cluetipArrows.hide(); }
// (first hide, then) ***SHOW THE CLUETIP***
$dropShadow.hide(); $cluetip.hide()[]( != 'show' && opts.fx.openSpeed); if (opts.dropShadow) { $dropShadow.css({height: tipHeight, width: tipInnerWidth, zIndex: $'thisInfo').zIndex-1}).show(); } if ($.fn.bgiframe) { $cluetip.bgiframe(); } // delayed close (not fully tested) if (opts.delayedClose > 0) { closeOnDelay = setTimeout(cluetipClose, opts.delayedClose); } // trigger the optional onShow function, $cluetip, $cluetipInner); };
var inactivate = function(event) { isActive = false; $cluetipWait.hide(); if (!opts.sticky || (/click|toggle/).test(opts.activation) ) { cluetipClose(); clearTimeout(closeOnDelay); }; if (opts.hoverClass) { $this.removeClass(opts.hoverClass); } };
// close cluetip and reset some things
var cluetipClose = function() { $cluetipOuter .parent().hide().removeClass();, $cluetip, $cluetipInner); $this.removeClass('cluetip-clicked'); if (tipTitle) { $this.attr(opts.titleAttribute, tipTitle); } $this.css('cursor',); if (opts.arrows) $cluetipArrows.css({top: }); };
$(document).bind('hideCluetip', function(e) { cluetipClose(); });
// activate by click if ( (/click|toggle/).test(opts.activation) ) { $this.bind('click.cluetip', function(event) { if ($':hidden') || !$'.cluetip-clicked')) { activate(event); $('.cluetip-clicked').removeClass('cluetip-clicked'); $this.addClass('cluetip-clicked'); } else { inactivate(event); } this.blur(); return false; }); // activate by focus; inactivate by blur } else if (opts.activation == 'focus') { $this.bind('focus.cluetip', function(event) { activate(event); }); $this.bind('blur.cluetip', function(event) { inactivate(event); }); // activate by hover } else { // clicking is returned false if clickThrough option is set to false $this[opts.clickThrough ? 'unbind' : 'bind']('click', returnFalse); //set up mouse tracking var mouseTracks = function(evt) { if (opts.tracking == true) { var trackX = posX - evt.pageX; var trackY = tipY ? tipY - evt.pageY : posY - evt.pageY; $this.bind('mousemove.cluetip', function(evt) { $cluetip.css({left: evt.pageX + trackX, top: evt.pageY + trackY }); }); } }; if ($.fn.hoverIntent && opts.hoverIntent) { $this.hoverIntent({ sensitivity: opts.hoverIntent.sensitivity, interval: opts.hoverIntent.interval, over: function(event) { activate(event); mouseTracks(event); }, timeout: opts.hoverIntent.timeout, out: function(event) {inactivate(event); $this.unbind('mousemove.cluetip');} }); } else { $this.bind('mouseenter.cluetip', function(event) { activate(event); mouseTracks(event); }) .bind('mouseleave.cluetip', function(event) { inactivate(event); $this.unbind('mousemove.cluetip'); }); } // remove default title tooltip on hover $this.bind('mouseenter.cluetip', function(event) { $this.attr('title',); }) .bind('mouseleave.cluetip', function(event) { $this.attr('title', $'thisInfo').title); }); } }); };
* options for clueTip * * each one can be explicitly overridden by changing its value. * for example: $.fn.cluetip.defaults.width = 200; * would change the default width for all clueTips to 200. * * each one can also be overridden by passing an options map to the cluetip method. * for example: $('a.example').cluetip({width: 200}); * would change the default width to 200 for clueTips invoked by a link with class of "example" * */ $.fn.cluetip.defaults = { // set up default options width: 275, // The width of the clueTip height: 'auto', // The height of the clueTip cluezIndex: 97, // Sets the z-index style property of the clueTip positionBy: 'auto', // Sets the type of positioning: 'auto', 'mouse','bottomTop', 'fixed' topOffset: 15, // Number of px to offset clueTip from top of invoking element leftOffset: 15, // Number of px to offset clueTip from left of invoking element local: false, // Whether to use content from the same page for the clueTip's body localPrefix: null, // string to be prepended to the tip attribute if local is true hideLocal: true, // If local option is set to true, this determines whether local content // to be shown in clueTip should be hidden at its original location attribute: 'rel', // the attribute to be used for fetching the clueTip's body content titleAttribute: 'title', // the attribute to be used for fetching the clueTip's title splitTitle: , // A character used to split the title attribute into the clueTip title and divs // within the clueTip body. more info below [6] escapeTitle: false, // whether to html escape the title attribute showTitle: true, // show title bar of the clueTip, even if title attribute not set cluetipClass: 'default',// class added to outermost clueTip div in the form of 'cluetip-' + clueTipClass. hoverClass: , // class applied to the invoking element onmouseover and removed onmouseout waitImage: true, // whether to show a "loading" img, which is set in jquery.cluetip.css cursor: 'help', arrows: false, // if true, displays arrow on appropriate side of clueTip dropShadow: true, // set to false if you don't want the drop-shadow effect on the clueTip dropShadowSteps: 6, // adjusts the size of the drop shadow sticky: false, // keep visible until manually closed mouseOutClose: false, // close when clueTip is moused out activation: 'hover', // set to 'click' to force user to click to show clueTip // set to 'focus' to show on focus of a form element and hide on blur clickThrough: false, // if true, and activation is not 'click', then clicking on link will take user to the link's href, // even if href and tipAttribute are equal tracking: false, // if true, clueTip will track mouse movement (experimental) delayedClose: 0, // close clueTip on a timed delay (experimental) closePosition: 'top', // location of close text for sticky cluetips; can be 'top' or 'bottom' or 'title' closeText: 'Close', // text (or HTML) to to be clicked to close sticky clueTips truncate: 0, // number of characters to truncate clueTip's contents. if 0, no truncation occurs // effect and speed for opening clueTips fx: { open: 'show', // can be 'show' or 'slideDown' or 'fadeIn' openSpeed: },
// settings for when hoverIntent plugin is used hoverIntent: { sensitivity: 3, interval: 50, timeout: 0 },
// short-circuit function to run just before clueTip is shown. onActivate: function(e) {return true;},
// function to run just after clueTip is shown. onShow: function(ct, ci){}, // function to run just after clueTip is hidden. onHide: function(ct, ci){}, // whether to cache results of ajax request to avoid unnecessary hits to server ajaxCache: true,
// process data retrieved via xhr before it's displayed ajaxProcess: function(data) { data = data.replace(/<(script|style|title)[^<]+<\/(script|style|title)>/gm, ).replace(/<(link|meta)[^>]+>/g,); return data; },
// can pass in standard $.ajax() parameters. Callback functions, such as beforeSend, // will be queued first within the default callbacks. // The only exception is error, which overrides the default ajaxSettings: { // error: function(ct, ci) { /* override default error callback */ } // beforeSend: function(ct, ci) { /* called first within default beforeSend callback } dataType: 'html' }, debug: false };
* Global defaults for clueTips. Apply to all calls to the clueTip plugin. * * @example $.cluetip.setup({ * insertionType: 'prependTo', * insertionElement: '#container' * }); * * @property * @name $.cluetip.setup * @type Map * @cat Plugins/tooltip * @option String insertionType: Default is 'appendTo'. Determines the method to be used for inserting the clueTip into the DOM. Permitted values are 'appendTo', 'prependTo', 'insertBefore', and 'insertAfter' * @option String insertionElement: Default is 'body'. Determines which element in the DOM the plugin will reference when inserting the clueTip. * */ var insertionType = 'appendTo', insertionElement = 'body';
$.cluetip.setup = function(options) { if (options && options.insertionType && (options.insertionType).match(/appendTo|prependTo|insertBefore|insertAfter/)) { insertionType = options.insertionType; } if (options && options.insertionElement) { insertionElement = options.insertionElement; } };