Team Members


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Molecular Biology and Genetics Student
Molecular Biology and Genetics Student
<br> He is one of the creators of METU IGEM team.  He is the third year student of Molecular Biology and Genetic and his main scientific interest is bioinformatics. Cihan wants to find solution to diseases like AIDS with integrating his information about bioinformatics and genetic. (CONTACT: cihantastan(at)</br>  
<br> He is one of the creators of METU IGEM team.  He is the third year student of Molecular Biology and Genetic and his main scientific interest is bioinformatics and synthetic biology. Cihan wants to find solution to diseases like AIDS with integrating his information about bioinformatics and genetic. (CONTACT: cihantastan(at)</br>  
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Revision as of 01:32, 4 October 2009

Untitled Document


Team Members


Molecular Biology and Genetics Student
He is one of the creators of METU IGEM team. He is the third year student of Molecular Biology and Genetic and his main scientific interest is bioinformatics and synthetic biology. Cihan wants to find solution to diseases like AIDS with integrating his information about bioinformatics and genetic. (CONTACT: cihantastan(at)

Ozkan IS

Biology Student

He is especially interested in neuroscience. In future, he wants to study in neuroscience field integrated with biotechnology. Also he is one of the creators of METU IGEM team and thinks that he can develop himself with this synthetic biology project.(CONTACT: ozkanis_17(at)


Biology Student

Although we have known her for a short time, she have displayed very well team working. In a summer lab hard working, she became an inseperable part of our team.


Biology Student

She took part in different scientific and social projects in high school. She aims at studying in biotechnology. She wants to develop herself by working on this IGEM project.

Zuzana Hruskova

Subject: Molecular Biology

After deciding that I didn’t want to finish my studies of Veterinary Medicine in Slovakia I decided to come to Aberdeen. I successfully finished 3rd year and spent crazy summer with other iGEM members thinking about cloning strategies. However after iGEM I am looking forward to starting an industrial placement. Who knows what will be my next crazy decision in the future?!!

Jennifer Kleine-Albers

Subject: Biomedical Science(Pharmacology)

I have just finished my 3rd year in Biomedical Sciences (Pharmacology). This degree is not closely related to synthetic biology, but what made me taking part in iGEM is the interdisciplinary work, which I believe to be very important in future research.


Daniel Leirer

Subject: Genetics (Immunology)

Having finished the 3rd year of my undergraduate degree I am spending the summer admiring Pico Plumbers many colourful charms, before starting an industrial placement with the Medical Research Council in London. Interested in Synthetic and Medical biology.


Rory MacDonald

Subject: Chemical Engineering

This mad geeky juggling nerdy raver is going into his fourth year of an undergraduate masters degree in chemical engineering. With his passion-fruit for science and battle-quest for knowledge, he types out endless MATLAB scripts for the team whilst running on cereal and protein shake.

Katriona McMichael

Subject: Immunology

I began my university career at Aberdeen studying Psychology. After deciding that it was not the subject for me, I transferred to the wonderful school of medical sciences to do a degree in Immunology. I have just finished my third year, and am now about to run away to the lovely country of Switzerland for a year’s industrial placement at Novartis.

James Reid

Subject: Mathematics and Physics

James is compulsively interested in Everything and oftimes inescapably chatty. Watch out for me wearing a kilt at the Jamboree! :-P

Nicholas Smart

Subject: Physics

Just graduated this year in physics, starting work in August as a graduate optical engineer but spending summer lost somewhere in pico plumber's 29 dimensional parameter space

Annika Wipprecht

Subject: Mathematics and Physics

I've just finished my 3rd year of my undergraduate degree in Maths and Physics. For my summer break I decided to take part in iGEM. Spending most of my time in front of a computer, it was good fun working on the dynamical behaviour of our Pico Plumber.




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