Team:HKU-HKBU/Speed Control Results


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cheZ knockout in YBE01 and YBS01

cheZ knockout is a crutial step for speed control. We believed that by controlling the expression level of cheZ, we could manipulate the ratio of flagella rotating direction (clockwise & counterclockwise). Therefore, higher concentration of expressed CheZ could lead to faster swimming speed. This part played a key role as an "adapter" of bactomotor.

Colony PCR

HKU-HKBU delta cheZ.png

By using recombineering technology, cheZ could be precisely replaced by seletive resistance marker with homologous arms(about 50-bp). To test the result, colonies were selected on the agar plate with chloramphenicol resistance followed by colony PCR test. In the PCR reaction, forward primers were designed in the upstream of cheZ locus in the chromosome and reverse primer was designed inside the chlromphenicol gene. The result of colony PCR test could examine whether the recombination procedure was successful or not. The expected DNA size of this test was about 400 bp. The DNA agrose gel picture indicated the cheZ was knocked out both in YBE01 and YBS01 strains.

Swimming Test

Based on the theory of speed control, the cheZ knockout strain could not swim at all. Therefore 3 percent half solid agar were used for testing the swimming ability. After obseveing swimming assay constantly for 8 hours, the patterns of YBE01 and YBS01 strains were formed as follows and the cheZ knockout strains showed that the ineffectiveness of the swimming ability of the two bacteria strains, which was an indication of the successful knockout of cheZ gene in YBE01 and YBS01.

HKU-HKBU speed control experiments Fig2.png

Regulation of cheZ expression

For controlling the expression level of cheZ, a series of plasmids were constructed, such as plsmid plac/ara-his-cheZ-cm ( [ BBa_K283014] ), which could be induced by IPTG or arabinose. This plasmid ( [ BBa_K283016] ) was transformed to YBS02 and YBE02. Different concentrations 0.001, 0.002, 0.004, 0.008, 0.012 mmol/L of IPTG were added into the cultivating solution LB to induce cheZ expression.

Western Blot

The samples were collected from differnt cultivation time and various IPTG concentrations. Obvious concentration gradient was observed with the induce time of 24 hours with different IPTG concentrations, which indicated that the inducer IPTG could control the expression level of CheZ.

HKU-HKBU speed control western3.png

Although [ BBa_K283014] could control the expression of CheZ, the leak expression could cause the failure of swimming control. Therefore, more powerful system [ BBa_K283002] must be constructed to prevent the leak.

Speed control

The speed was detected by the swimming assay. The swimming with TetR repress [ BBa_K283002], the swimming radius was measured each hour continously for 8 hours. The results indicated that without aTc inducer, the bacteria only tumbled; and when aTC was added into cultivation LB broth, the bacteria were started to swim. And the swimming speed of bacteria could be controlled 'Speed up' with increasing aTc concentration. This result indicated that the alternation of aTc concentrations could be an effective way to control speed.

Speed control aTc2.JPG


We successfully knock-out cheZ gene in both YBE01 and YBS01 strains. Re-introduction of cheZ gene restored their swimming ability. Moreover, the swimming speed of these two strains was shown to be adjustable by different amounts of chemical inducers.
