Team:Heidelberg/Notebook cell line


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|style="text-align:center"|  [[Team:Heidelberg/Notebook_cell_line#7-24-2009|7-24-2009]]
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|style="text-align:center"| 31
|style="text-align:center"|  [[Team:Heidelberg/Notebook_cell_line#7-27-2009|7-27-2009]]
|style="text-align:center"| [[Team:Heidelberg/Notebook_cell_line#7-28-2009|7-28-2009]]
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|style="text-align:center"| [[Team:Heidelberg/Notebook_cell_line#7-30-2009|7-30-2009]]
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|style="text-align:center"| 32
|style="text-align:center"| [[Team:Heidelberg/Notebook_cell_line#8-3-2009|8-3-2009]]
|style="text-align:center"| [[Team:Heidelberg/Notebook_cell_line#8-4-2009|8-4-2009]]
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|style="text-align:center"| [[Team:Heidelberg/Notebook_cell_line#8-6-2009|8-6-2009]]
|style="text-align:center"| [[Team:Heidelberg/Notebook_cell_line#8-7-2009|8-7-2009]]
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|style="text-align:center"| [[Team:Heidelberg/Notebook_cell_line#8-10-2009|8-10-2009]]
|style="text-align:center"| [[Team:Heidelberg/Notebook_cell_line#8-11-2009|8-11-2009]]
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== 7-24-2009==
* start new cell culture: HeLa, U2-OS
== 7-27-2009==
* start new cell culture: MCF7
* split HeLa and U2-OS (both from 7-24-09) 1:10
== 7-28-2009==
* start with stable transfection of HeLa, MCF7, U20S cells with pFRT/lacZeo following Effectene protocol
* Washed(PBS) and changed medium of all cell lines.
* Splitting  HELA- and U2-OS (from 7-27-2009) 1:10
* removed old medium
* added fresh medium with Zeocin (stock at 100 mM (used all the stock for 50 ml medium) --> add to medium to get a concentration of 200 µM (1:500))
* stable transfection: changed medium (without washing)
** Hela --> quite a few dead, but some areas seem to be dense
** MCF7 --> many dead cells, but dense nonetheless
** U2OS --> fairly dense and not so many dead cells
* splitted MCF7 and U2OS with Zeocin medium in new 6-well plate (each 1:10 and 1:5)
* changed zeocine medium of HELA, MCF7 (original well, 1:10, 1:5) and U2OS (original well, 1:10, 1:5)
* Hela: original 6-well --> kept 1/3, split rest in 2 petri dishes with 3 ml medium with Zeocin (--> final volume of 3,7 ml)
* MCF7/U2OS: used 1:5 dilution (from 8-4-2009) --> resuspended in 2 ml and added 1 ml to 3 ml medium with Zeocin in two petri dishes
(MCF7 looked strange --> very long, almost like fibers)
* Zeocin selection: picked 4 Hela and 4 U2OS foci from petri dishes and transfered them to 24-well (see methods);
* MCF-7 not ready
* changed Zeocin medium in 6-wells (Hela, 1:10 MCF7, original MCF7, 1:10 U2OS -> original U2OS too dense)
* used second petri dishes (Hela, U2OS) to split in 96-well, so that there should be 1 cell per well -> U2OS: counted 3x10<sup>4</sup> cells/ml, diluted 1:2, used 0,6 µl per well and prepared 24 wells; Hela: counted about 0,75-1x10<sup>4</sup> cells/ml, used 0,9 µl per well and prepared 24 wells
* selection of stable clones of U2OS
** single cell wells: 5 96-well plates with one cell per well in 150 µl Zeocin DMEM+++ (originally 22,5*10^4 cells/ml)
* selection of stable clones of HeLa
** 7 cloning disks placed on colonies visible without microscope (following protocol, see methods)
** transfered cloning disk to 96-well
* split U2-OS from 6-well in large petri dishes (1:30, 1:50)
* HeLa and MCF-7 from 6-well discarded because they looked sick
* HeLA from 96-well (8-13-09) trypsinized (20 µl Trypsin, 5 min) and filled up with 200 µl DMEM/zeocin
** should spread the cells over the entire well
* restarted with Hela and MCF-7
** split in 6-wells (4 wells, 10^5 per well)
* picked 7 U2-OS foci from 1:30 petri dish in 96-wells
* transfected Hela in 6-wells (from 8-23) with ''lac''Zeo/FRT
* MCF-7 not dense enough for transfection
* transfected MCF-7 in 6-wells (from 8-23) with ''lac''Zeo/FRT
* changed Medium (DMEM+++) of transfected HeLa (from 8-24-09)
* changed Medium of transfected HeLa (from 8-24-09): now kept under selectionpressure with Zeocin in DMEM+++ (1:1000)
* transferred HeLa cells derived from one clone from 96-well (13-08-09) to 6-well in order to expand them
* removed transfectioncomplexes from MCF-7 (8-25-09)by changing medium (DMEM+++)
* split transfected MCF-7 (from 8-25-09) 1:2 and started keeping them under selectionpressure with Zeocin in DMEM+++ (1:1000)
* trypsinized HeLa and MCF-7 ( both in 6-well) and resuspended them in 2 ml DMEM+++/Zeocin
* transferred 1 ml of cell suspension to 7 ml DMEM+++/Zeocin in petridish (10)
* changed medium (DMEM+++/Zeo) of HeLa in 6-well (hopefully stable clon)
* splitted MCF-7 from 6-well 1:2 in another 6-well
* picked another 8 foci from U2OS (petri dish) into 96-wells with DMEM+++/Zeocin
* splitted rest of U2OS from petri dish 1:3 in new petri dish (10)
* found cells in 96-wells with U2OS (2-3 cells/well)
* transferred 10 wells of U2-OS (2-3 cells/well) from 96-wells into 24-wells
* transferred the 10 wells of U2-OS (2-3 cells/well) from 24-wells into 6-wells
* splitted "stable" Helas from upper 6-well in flask (25cm²)
* splitted "stable" Helas from upper 6-well 1:3 into another flask (25cm²) (one third stayed in old 6-well, one third into flask and one third for cotransfection (3 times 3x10^4 in 6-wells))
* washed and trypsinized "stable" Helas from lower 6-well
* trypsinized U2-OS (picked with cloning disks 9-02-2009) and left in 96-well
* washed and trypsinized Helas and MCF-7 (under Zeocin pressure, not picked yet)
* spotted very weird/huge focus of Hela in one of those wells
* prepared two 24-wells with MCF-7 for Lipofectamin testing and transfection with linearized lacZeo plasmid
* splitted four confluent colonies (#1,3,5,7) of "stable" U2-OS from 6-well (9-7) 1:3 into two other 6-wells for co-transfection with recombinase
* transfected (Lipofectamin) MCF-7 in 24-well with linearized lacZeo plasmid (SacI digested)
* prepared one 24-well with Helas for Lipofectamin testing
* "stable" Helas for co-transfection in 6-wells not dense enough --> wait before transfecting
* "stable" U2-OS in 6-wells for co-transfection confluent --> splitted 1:3 (2/3 in 25 cm² flasks)
* changed medium of 24-well with linearized lacZeo --> added Zeocin for selection of stables
* transfected Helas with Lipofectamin
* splitted "stable" Helas from first flask 1:2 into large flask (75cm²)
* co-transfected "stable" Helas in 6-wells (with Lipofectamin):
** p55, p43, p45 (CMV, Cherry, Recombinase)
** p31, p45 (JeT, Recombinase)
** p55, p45 (CMV, Recombinase)
* co-transfected four (#1,3,5,7) "stable" U2-OS (from 96-well with 2-3 cells/well) with p55, p43 & p45 (CMV, Cherry, Recombinase)
* transferred three U2-OS colonies (#1,2,3 from cloning disks) into 24-wells
* changed medium on "stable" co-transfections --> DMEM+++ +Zeocin in the morning
* changed medium on "stable" co-transfections --> DMEM+++ +Hygromycin (1:200) before leaving
* prepared 1x10^5 cells (stable HeLas) for genomic DNA extraction --> works (15 ng/µl)
* PCR of FRT-site (to check if it's actually there) with O.243&O.244 and genomic DNA
* split "stable" co-transfected HeLa 1:2 into another 6-well
* split "stable" co-transfected U2-OS 1:5 into another 6-well (except for #5 --> wash and put new medium on; leave in 6-well)
* put PCR of FRT-site (9-16) on gel --> looks good (fragment should be 240 bp; is between 200 and 300 bp)
* changed zeocin medium of stable U2-OS (1,3,6,7 in flask)
* split stable  HeLas 1:10 (flask)
* stable US-OS "2-3 cells/well" split 1:5
* stable US.OS "cloning disk" transferred to 6 well
* isolation of genomic DNA from
** stable US-OS  "2-3 cells/well" # 1,3,6,7
** stable U2-OS "cloning disk" 24 well
** stable HeLa
** stable MCF-7 (Yara)
very bad yield, needs to be redone
== 9-24-2009==
* split stable US-OS  "2-3 cells/well" # 1,3,6,7  from 6 well 1:2 in other 6 wells
* prepared 6 6 wells with 10^5 stable Hela cells for transfection
* transferred stable U2-OS "cloning disk" :
** from 96 well to 6 well
** # 5,6,7 from 6 well to flask
== 9-25-2009==
* cotransfected (each 3 6 wells) stable Helas and U2OS in 6 wells with recombinase plasmid (p45) and 
** CMV_mCherry(p55)
** Jet_mCherrry (p31)
** JetProx_CmvCore_mCherry(p48)
* cotransfected only stable Helas in 6 wells with recombinase plasmid (p45) and 
** constitutive S4
** constitutive L4
== 9-26-2009==
* changed medium of yesterday's transfections
* checked flourescnece of transfected cells:
** CMV very bright
** Jet, CMV_Jet , constituiv S4 and L4 no flourecence visible
* checked transfections again: Jet, CMV_Jet , constituiv S4 and L4 flourescence also visible
* changed medium of the cells: DMEM+++/Hygromycin (200 µg/ml)
* cells of transfections are too dense; according to manual Hygromycin not effective if more than 25% confluent
** split them 1:2 in petridishes
* isolation of genomic DNA from
** U2-OS "2-3 cells/well" # 1,3,6,7
** U2-OS "cloning disk" # 5,6,7
** HeLa (two samples of same clone)
** MCF-7 ( from Yara,two samples of same clone)
* froze stable cell lines (3 of U2-OS, 1 of HeLa, 1 of MCF-7 -> all from picked foci using cloning discs)
* checked "surviving rate" of cells under hygromycine pressure
** HeLa: look pretty bad, only very few surviving
** U2-OS: look better, surviving ones express GFP
* started LAM-PCR according to protocol Schmidt'' et al''. 2007
** stopped with overnight capture after second linear PCR
Schmidt M., Schwarzwaelder K.,Bartholomae C., Zaoui K., Ball B.,Pilz I.,Braun S.,Glimm H.,von Kalle C., (2005) High-resolution insertion-site analysis by linear amplification–mediated PCR (LAM-PCR) ''Nature Methods'' 4:12, 1051-1057
* changed Hygromycine medium on transfections (remaining 6-wells and petri dishes; 200 µg/ml)
* continued with LAM-PCR
** began with hexanucleotide priming and stopped with overnight capture after first exponential PCR (Primer LCI)
* continued with LAM-PCR
** second exponential PCR with primer LCII and reaction specific primer
** gelelectrophoresis on 2 % argarose gels
** reaction 9 and 10 successful, but more then one integration site per cell line
** need to do topovector cloning, hopefully possible via GATC
* changed hygromycine medium: diluted 1:500 -> 100 µg/ml (stables should be selected -> make them grow faster with lower antibiotic concentration)
* new Hygromycine medium (100 µg/ml)
* picked foci of stable integrations (transfected 9-25) in 96-wells using cloning disks:
** CMV (U2-OS): 5 foci
** S4 (HeLa): 2 foci
** JeT (HeLa): 1 focus
** L4 (HeLa): 1 focus
* used regular DMEM+++ (w/o Hygromycine) overnight
* also put regular DMEM+++ on petri dishes overnight
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Revision as of 14:16, 14 October 2009



Week Days
30 - - - - 7-24-2009 - -
31 7-27-2009 7-28-2009 - 7-30-2009 - - -
32 8-3-2009 8-4-2009 - 8-6-2009 8-7-2009 - -
33 8-10-2009 8-11-2009 - - - - -


  • start new cell culture: HeLa, U2-OS


  • start new cell culture: MCF7
  • split HeLa and U2-OS (both from 7-24-09) 1:10


  • start with stable transfection of HeLa, MCF7, U20S cells with pFRT/lacZeo following Effectene protocol
  • Washed(PBS) and changed medium of all cell lines.
  • Splitting HELA- and U2-OS (from 7-27-2009) 1:10


  • removed old medium
  • added fresh medium with Zeocin (stock at 100 mM (used all the stock for 50 ml medium) --> add to medium to get a concentration of 200 µM (1:500))


  • stable transfection: changed medium (without washing)
    • Hela --> quite a few dead, but some areas seem to be dense
    • MCF7 --> many dead cells, but dense nonetheless
    • U2OS --> fairly dense and not so many dead cells


  • splitted MCF7 and U2OS with Zeocin medium in new 6-well plate (each 1:10 and 1:5)


  • changed zeocine medium of HELA, MCF7 (original well, 1:10, 1:5) and U2OS (original well, 1:10, 1:5)


  • Hela: original 6-well --> kept 1/3, split rest in 2 petri dishes with 3 ml medium with Zeocin (--> final volume of 3,7 ml)
  • MCF7/U2OS: used 1:5 dilution (from 8-4-2009) --> resuspended in 2 ml and added 1 ml to 3 ml medium with Zeocin in two petri dishes

(MCF7 looked strange --> very long, almost like fibers)


  • Zeocin selection: picked 4 Hela and 4 U2OS foci from petri dishes and transfered them to 24-well (see methods);
  • MCF-7 not ready
  • changed Zeocin medium in 6-wells (Hela, 1:10 MCF7, original MCF7, 1:10 U2OS -> original U2OS too dense)
  • used second petri dishes (Hela, U2OS) to split in 96-well, so that there should be 1 cell per well -> U2OS: counted 3x104 cells/ml, diluted 1:2, used 0,6 µl per well and prepared 24 wells; Hela: counted about 0,75-1x104 cells/ml, used 0,9 µl per well and prepared 24 wells


  • selection of stable clones of U2OS
    • single cell wells: 5 96-well plates with one cell per well in 150 µl Zeocin DMEM+++ (originally 22,5*10^4 cells/ml)
  • selection of stable clones of HeLa
    • 7 cloning disks placed on colonies visible without microscope (following protocol, see methods)
    • transfered cloning disk to 96-well


  • split U2-OS from 6-well in large petri dishes (1:30, 1:50)
  • HeLa and MCF-7 from 6-well discarded because they looked sick


  • HeLA from 96-well (8-13-09) trypsinized (20 µl Trypsin, 5 min) and filled up with 200 µl DMEM/zeocin
    • should spread the cells over the entire well


  • restarted with Hela and MCF-7
    • split in 6-wells (4 wells, 10^5 per well)


  • picked 7 U2-OS foci from 1:30 petri dish in 96-wells
  • transfected Hela in 6-wells (from 8-23) with lacZeo/FRT
  • MCF-7 not dense enough for transfection


  • transfected MCF-7 in 6-wells (from 8-23) with lacZeo/FRT
  • changed Medium (DMEM+++) of transfected HeLa (from 8-24-09)


  • changed Medium of transfected HeLa (from 8-24-09): now kept under selectionpressure with Zeocin in DMEM+++ (1:1000)
  • transferred HeLa cells derived from one clone from 96-well (13-08-09) to 6-well in order to expand them
  • removed transfectioncomplexes from MCF-7 (8-25-09)by changing medium (DMEM+++)


  • split transfected MCF-7 (from 8-25-09) 1:2 and started keeping them under selectionpressure with Zeocin in DMEM+++ (1:1000)


  • trypsinized HeLa and MCF-7 ( both in 6-well) and resuspended them in 2 ml DMEM+++/Zeocin
  • transferred 1 ml of cell suspension to 7 ml DMEM+++/Zeocin in petridish (10)
  • changed medium (DMEM+++/Zeo) of HeLa in 6-well (hopefully stable clon)


  • splitted MCF-7 from 6-well 1:2 in another 6-well
  • picked another 8 foci from U2OS (petri dish) into 96-wells with DMEM+++/Zeocin
  • splitted rest of U2OS from petri dish 1:3 in new petri dish (10)
  • found cells in 96-wells with U2OS (2-3 cells/well)


  • transferred 10 wells of U2-OS (2-3 cells/well) from 96-wells into 24-wells


  • transferred the 10 wells of U2-OS (2-3 cells/well) from 24-wells into 6-wells


  • splitted "stable" Helas from upper 6-well in flask (25cm²)


  • splitted "stable" Helas from upper 6-well 1:3 into another flask (25cm²) (one third stayed in old 6-well, one third into flask and one third for cotransfection (3 times 3x10^4 in 6-wells))
  • washed and trypsinized "stable" Helas from lower 6-well
  • trypsinized U2-OS (picked with cloning disks 9-02-2009) and left in 96-well
  • washed and trypsinized Helas and MCF-7 (under Zeocin pressure, not picked yet)
  • spotted very weird/huge focus of Hela in one of those wells


  • prepared two 24-wells with MCF-7 for Lipofectamin testing and transfection with linearized lacZeo plasmid
  • splitted four confluent colonies (#1,3,5,7) of "stable" U2-OS from 6-well (9-7) 1:3 into two other 6-wells for co-transfection with recombinase


  • transfected (Lipofectamin) MCF-7 in 24-well with linearized lacZeo plasmid (SacI digested)
  • prepared one 24-well with Helas for Lipofectamin testing
  • "stable" Helas for co-transfection in 6-wells not dense enough --> wait before transfecting
  • "stable" U2-OS in 6-wells for co-transfection confluent --> splitted 1:3 (2/3 in 25 cm² flasks)


  • changed medium of 24-well with linearized lacZeo --> added Zeocin for selection of stables
  • transfected Helas with Lipofectamin


  • splitted "stable" Helas from first flask 1:2 into large flask (75cm²)
  • co-transfected "stable" Helas in 6-wells (with Lipofectamin):
    • p55, p43, p45 (CMV, Cherry, Recombinase)
    • p31, p45 (JeT, Recombinase)
    • p55, p45 (CMV, Recombinase)
  • co-transfected four (#1,3,5,7) "stable" U2-OS (from 96-well with 2-3 cells/well) with p55, p43 & p45 (CMV, Cherry, Recombinase)
  • transferred three U2-OS colonies (#1,2,3 from cloning disks) into 24-wells


  • changed medium on "stable" co-transfections --> DMEM+++ +Zeocin in the morning
  • changed medium on "stable" co-transfections --> DMEM+++ +Hygromycin (1:200) before leaving
  • prepared 1x10^5 cells (stable HeLas) for genomic DNA extraction --> works (15 ng/µl)


  • PCR of FRT-site (to check if it's actually there) with O.243&O.244 and genomic DNA


  • split "stable" co-transfected HeLa 1:2 into another 6-well
  • split "stable" co-transfected U2-OS 1:5 into another 6-well (except for #5 --> wash and put new medium on; leave in 6-well)
  • put PCR of FRT-site (9-16) on gel --> looks good (fragment should be 240 bp; is between 200 and 300 bp)


  • changed zeocin medium of stable U2-OS (1,3,6,7 in flask)
  • split stable HeLas 1:10 (flask)


  • stable US-OS "2-3 cells/well" split 1:5
  • stable US.OS "cloning disk" transferred to 6 well


  • isolation of genomic DNA from
    • stable US-OS "2-3 cells/well" # 1,3,6,7
    • stable U2-OS "cloning disk" 24 well
    • stable HeLa
    • stable MCF-7 (Yara)

very bad yield, needs to be redone


  • split stable US-OS "2-3 cells/well" # 1,3,6,7 from 6 well 1:2 in other 6 wells
  • prepared 6 6 wells with 10^5 stable Hela cells for transfection
  • transferred stable U2-OS "cloning disk" :
    • from 96 well to 6 well
    • # 5,6,7 from 6 well to flask


  • cotransfected (each 3 6 wells) stable Helas and U2OS in 6 wells with recombinase plasmid (p45) and
    • CMV_mCherry(p55)
    • Jet_mCherrry (p31)
    • JetProx_CmvCore_mCherry(p48)
  • cotransfected only stable Helas in 6 wells with recombinase plasmid (p45) and
    • constitutive S4
    • constitutive L4


  • changed medium of yesterday's transfections
  • checked flourescnece of transfected cells:
    • CMV very bright
    • Jet, CMV_Jet , constituiv S4 and L4 no flourecence visible


  • checked transfections again: Jet, CMV_Jet , constituiv S4 and L4 flourescence also visible
  • changed medium of the cells: DMEM+++/Hygromycin (200 µg/ml)


  • cells of transfections are too dense; according to manual Hygromycin not effective if more than 25% confluent
    • split them 1:2 in petridishes
  • isolation of genomic DNA from
    • U2-OS "2-3 cells/well" # 1,3,6,7
    • U2-OS "cloning disk" # 5,6,7
    • HeLa (two samples of same clone)
    • MCF-7 ( from Yara,two samples of same clone)


  • froze stable cell lines (3 of U2-OS, 1 of HeLa, 1 of MCF-7 -> all from picked foci using cloning discs)
  • checked "surviving rate" of cells under hygromycine pressure
    • HeLa: look pretty bad, only very few surviving
    • U2-OS: look better, surviving ones express GFP
  • started LAM-PCR according to protocol Schmidt et al. 2007
    • stopped with overnight capture after second linear PCR

Schmidt M., Schwarzwaelder K.,Bartholomae C., Zaoui K., Ball B.,Pilz I.,Braun S.,Glimm H.,von Kalle C., (2005) High-resolution insertion-site analysis by linear amplification–mediated PCR (LAM-PCR) Nature Methods 4:12, 1051-1057


  • changed Hygromycine medium on transfections (remaining 6-wells and petri dishes; 200 µg/ml)
  • continued with LAM-PCR
    • began with hexanucleotide priming and stopped with overnight capture after first exponential PCR (Primer LCI)


  • continued with LAM-PCR
    • second exponential PCR with primer LCII and reaction specific primer
    • gelelectrophoresis on 2 % argarose gels
    • reaction 9 and 10 successful, but more then one integration site per cell line
    • need to do topovector cloning, hopefully possible via GATC


  • changed hygromycine medium: diluted 1:500 -> 100 µg/ml (stables should be selected -> make them grow faster with lower antibiotic concentration)


  • new Hygromycine medium (100 µg/ml)


  • picked foci of stable integrations (transfected 9-25) in 96-wells using cloning disks:
    • CMV (U2-OS): 5 foci
    • S4 (HeLa): 2 foci
    • JeT (HeLa): 1 focus
    • L4 (HeLa): 1 focus
  • used regular DMEM+++ (w/o Hygromycine) overnight
  • also put regular DMEM+++ on petri dishes overnight