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[2] coli genotypes, 2008.
[3], 2009.
[4] AINT. Tecnologie disponibili per il trattamento di siero di latte e reflui
dell'industria lattiero-casearia e localizzazione degli impianti in Puglia.
Technical report, Agenzia per l'innovazione e l'internazionalizzazione delle
imprese, 2007.
[5] L. Banchelli. Recupero dei costituenti organici del siero del latte e bioconversione
in proteine unicellulari da lievito alimentare. Technical report,
OGM - Food Biopollution certification, 2002.
[6] S. Bansal, H.S. Oberoi, G.S.Dhillon, and R.T: pAtil. Production of betagalactosidase
by Kluyveromyces marxianus MTCC 1388 using whey and
effect of four different methods of enzyme extraction on betagalactosidase
activity. Indian J. Microbial, September 2008.
[7] C. Bi, X. Zhang, L.O. Ingram, and J.F. Preston. Genetic engineering
of Enterobacter absuriae strain JDR-1 for efficient production of ethanol
from hemicellulose hydrolysate. Applied and enviromental microbiology,
75(18):5743-5749, September 2009.
[8] BioVision. Ethanol assay kit.
[9] E. Brunelli. Nuove idee per nuove specie batteriche. Industria della carta,
[10] B. Canton. f2620, 2008.
[11] Barry Canton, Anna Labno, and Drew Endy. Refinement and standardization
of synthetic biological parts and devices. Nature biotechnology,
26(7):787-793, 2008.
[12] Bartholomew Canton. Engineering the interface between cellular chassis
and synthetic biological systems. PhD thesis, Massachussets Institute of
Technology, May 2008.
[13] T. Conway, A. Osman, J.I.Konnan, E.M.Hoffman, and L.O.Ingram.
Promoter and nucleotide sequence of the Zymomonas mobilis Pyruvate
Decarboxylase. Journal of Bacteriology, 169(3):949-954, March 1987.
[14] G. Croce. Tipologie di recupero tradizionale del siero. Technical report,
ERVET Emilia-Romagna Valorizzazione Economica Territorio SpA, 2002.
[15] Programma di Iniziativa Comunitaria Interreg III A Grecia-Italia 2000-
2006. Trattamento e valorizzazione reflui dell'industria lattiero-casearia,
[16] V. Divella and G. Mastrini. SieroValore: scenari e prospettive per la
valorizzazione dei reflui caseari. Technical report, Programma di Iniziativa
Comunitaria Interreg III A Grecia-Italia 2000-2006, Assessorato Attivit`a
Produttive della Provincia di Bari, 2008.
[17] M.D. Ermolaeva. Synonymous codon usage in bacteria. Current Issues of
Molecular Biology, 3(4):91-97, 2001.
[18] E. Del Fabbro. Sviluppo di applicativi Matlab e definizione di metodologie
per l'analisi quantitativa di dati in biologia sintetica., 2009 Universit`a degli
studi di Pavia.
[19] M. Faccia. Studio sull'entità e sulla tipologia dei reflui prodotti dall'industria
lattiero-casearia in provincia di Bari. Technical report, Universit`a
degli Studi di Bari - Dipartimento di progettazione e gestione dei sistemi
agrozootecnici e forestali, 2008.
[20] R. Gelleti, R. Jodice, G. Mauro, D. Migliardi, D. Picco, M. Pin, E. Tomasinsig,
and L. Tommasoni. Energia dalle biomasse: le tecnologie, i
vantaggi per i processi produttivi, i valori economici e ambientali. Technical
report, Servizio trasferimento tecnologico di AREA science Park e
Progetto Novimpresa, April 2006.
[21] B. Hahn-Hagerdal, M. Galbe, M.F. Gorwa-Grauslund, G. Liden, and
G.Zacchi. Bioethanol, the fuel of tomorrow from the residues of today.
TRENDS in biotechnology, 24(12):549-555, 2006.
[22] iGEM., 2009.
[23] iGEM., 2009.
[24] iGEM., 2009.
[25] iGEM. 09 DNA distribution, 2009.
[26] L. 0. Ingram, T. Conway, G. W. Sewell D. P. Clark, and J. F. Preston.
Genetic engineering of ethanol production in Escherichia coli. Applied and
enviromental microbiology, 53(10):2420-2425, october 1987.
[27] J.R. Kelly, A.J. Rubin, J.H.Davis, C.M. Ajo-Franklin, J.Cumbers,
M.J.Czar, K. de Mora, A.L. Glieberman, D.D. Moonie, and D. Endy.
Measuring the activity of BioBrick promoters using an in vivo reference
standard. Journal of Biological Engineering, 3, 2009.
[28] J.F. Lawrence and H. Ochman. Amelioration of bacterial genome: rates of
change and exchange. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 44:383-397, 1997.
[29] K.C. Ling. Whey to ethanol: a biofuel role for diary cooperatives?
Technical report, USDA Rural developement, February 2008.
[30] B.W. Matthews. The structure of E. coli beta-galactosidase.
C.R.Biologies, 328:549-556, 2005.
[31] Comunit`a montana di Baldo. L'energia da biomasse. Technical report,
Comunit`a montana di Baldo, 2007.
[32] Hyun-Beom Seo, Hyun-Joo Kim, Oh-Kyu Lee, Ji-Hye ha, Hyeon-Yong
Lee, and Kyung-Hwan Jung. Measurement of ethanol concentration
using solvent extraction and dichromate oxidation and its application to
bioethanol production process. Journal of industrial microbiology and
biotechonology, 36:285-292, 2009.
[33] W.B. Silviera, F.J.V. Passos, H.C. Mantovani, and F.M.L. Passos. Ethanol
production from cheese whey permeate by Kluyveromyces marxianus
UFV3: a flux analysis of oxido reductive metabolism as a function of lactose
concentration and oxygen levels. Enzyme and microbial technology,
36:930-936, 2005.
[34] TECAN. TECAN - instruction for use In nte 200. TECAN, 2008.
[35] P. Wix and M. Woodbine. The disposal and utilization of whey: a review.
Dairy Science, 20:537-541, 1958.
[36] L.P. Yomano, S.W. York, S. Zhou, K.T. Shanmugam, and L.O. Ingram.
Re-engineereing Escherichia coli for ethanol produztion. Biotechnology
letters, 30:2097-2113, 2008.
[37] S.W. York and L-O-Ingram. Soy-based medium for ethanol production
by Escherichia coli K011. Journal of industrial microbiology and
biotechonology, 16(6):374-376, 1996
[38] Altherthum F, Ingram LO. Efficient ethanol production from glucose, lactose, and xylose by Recombinant E. coli. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1989 Aug;1943-1984.
[39] Bansal S, Oberoi HS, Dhillon GS, Patil RT. Production of β-galactosidase by Kluyveromyces marxianus MTCC 1388 using whey and effect of four different methods of enzyme extraction on β-galactosidase activity. Indian J Microbiol. 2008 Sept;48(3):337-341. 
[40] Dien BS, Cotta MA, Jeffries TW. Bacteria engineered for fuel ethanol production: current status. Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 2003 Dec;63(3):258-266.
[41] Dien BS, Nichols NN, O'Bryan PJ and Bothast PJ..Development of new ethanologenic Escherichia coli strains for fermentation of lignocellulosic biomass. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2000 Mar;84-86(1-9):181-196.
[42] Domingues L, Lima N, Teixeira JA. Alcohol production from cheese whey permeate using genetically modified flocculent yeast cells. Biotechnol Bioeng. 2001 Mar 5;72(5):507-514.
[43] Frey PA.The Leloir pathway: a mechanistic imperative for three enzymes to change the stereochemical configuration of a single carbon in galactose. FASEB J. 1996 Mar;10(4):461-470.
[44] Guimarães PM, Klein J, Domingues L, Teixeira JA. Fermentation performance of a recombinant lactose-consuming flocculating Saccharomyces cerevisiae stain. Braz J Food Technol. 2005 Mar;5°SIPAL:34-39.
[45] Guimarães PM, Teixeira JA, Domingues L. Fermentation of high concentrations of lactose to ethanol by engineered flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnol Lett. 2008 Nov;30(11):1953-8. Epub 2008 Jun 25.
[46] Guimarães PM, Teixeira JA, Domingues L. Alcoholic fermentation of lactose by engineered flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae. International conference and exhibition on bioenergy, Guimarães, Portugal, 2008 – “Bioenergy : challenges and opportunities.”
[47] Holden HM, Rayment I, Thoden JB. Structure and function of enzymes of the Leloir pathway for galactose metabolism. J Biol Chem. 2003 Nov 7;278(45):43885-8. Epub 2003 Aug 15.
[48] Ingram LO, Conway T, Clark DP, Sewell GW, Preston JF. Genetic engineering of ethanol production in Escherichia coli. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1987 Oct;53(10):2420-2425.
[49] Kalscheuer R, Stölting T, Steinbüchel A. Microdiesel: Escherichia coli engineered for fuel production. Microbiology. 2006 Sep;152(Pt 9):2529-2536.
[50] Leite AR, Guimaraes WV, Fernardes de Araujo E, Silva DO. Fermentation of sweet whey by recombinant Escherichia coli. Braz J Food Technol. 2000;31:212-215.
[51] Lewandowska M and Kujawski W. Ethanol production from lactose in a fermentation/pervaporation system. J Food Eng. 2007 Mar;79(2):430-437.
[52] Ling KC. Whey to ethanol a biofuel role for dairy cooperatives. USDA Rural Development. Research Report 214. 2008 Feb.
[53] Ostojic S, Pavlovic M, Zivic M, Filipovic Z, Gorjanovi S, Hranisavljevi S and Dojinovic M. Processing of whey from dairy industry waste. Environ Chem Lett. 2005 Aug;3(1):29-32.
[54] Savage DF, Way J, Silver PA. Defossing fuel: how synthetic biology can transform biofuel production. ACS Chem Bio. 2008 Jan;3(1):13-16.
[55] Silveira WB, Passos FJV, Mantovani HC and Passos FML. Ethanol production from cheese whey permeate by Kluyveromyces marxianus UFV-3: A flux analysis of oxido-reductive metabolism as a function of lactose concentration and oxygen levels. Enzym Microb Tech. 2005 May;36(7):930-936.
[56] Staniszewski M, Kujawski W and Lewandowska M. Ethanol production from whey in bioreactor with co-immobilized enzyme and yeast cells followed by pervaporative recovery of product – Kinetic model predictions. J Food Eng. 2007 Oct; 82(4):618-625.
[57] Recupero dei costituenti organici del siero di latte e bioconversione in proteine unicellulari da lievito alimentare. Pilot project I/02/B/F/PP-120211
[58] Agenzia per l'innovazione e l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese. Tecnologie disponibili per il trattamento di siero di latte e reflui dell'industria lattiero casearia e localizzazione degli impianti in Puglia.
[59] Tipologie di recupero tradizionale del siero (http://www.tecnologiepulite)

Revision as of 15:47, 14 October 2009




[2] coli genotypes, 2008.

[3], 2009.

[4] AINT. Tecnologie disponibili per il trattamento di siero di latte e reflui dell'industria lattiero-casearia e localizzazione degli impianti in Puglia. Technical report, Agenzia per l'innovazione e l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese, 2007.

[5] L. Banchelli. Recupero dei costituenti organici del siero del latte e bioconversione in proteine unicellulari da lievito alimentare. Technical report, OGM - Food Biopollution certification, 2002.

[6] S. Bansal, H.S. Oberoi, G.S.Dhillon, and R.T: pAtil. Production of betagalactosidase by Kluyveromyces marxianus MTCC 1388 using whey and effect of four different methods of enzyme extraction on betagalactosidase activity. Indian J. Microbial, September 2008.

[7] C. Bi, X. Zhang, L.O. Ingram, and J.F. Preston. Genetic engineering of Enterobacter absuriae strain JDR-1 for efficient production of ethanol from hemicellulose hydrolysate. Applied and enviromental microbiology, 75(18):5743-5749, September 2009.

[8] BioVision. Ethanol assay kit.

[9] E. Brunelli. Nuove idee per nuove specie batteriche. Industria della carta, 2008.

[10] B. Canton. f2620, 2008.

[11] Barry Canton, Anna Labno, and Drew Endy. Refinement and standardization of synthetic biological parts and devices. Nature biotechnology, 26(7):787-793, 2008.

[12] Bartholomew Canton. Engineering the interface between cellular chassis and synthetic biological systems. PhD thesis, Massachussets Institute of Technology, May 2008.

[13] T. Conway, A. Osman, J.I.Konnan, E.M.Hoffman, and L.O.Ingram. Promoter and nucleotide sequence of the Zymomonas mobilis Pyruvate Decarboxylase. Journal of Bacteriology, 169(3):949-954, March 1987.

[14] G. Croce. Tipologie di recupero tradizionale del siero. Technical report, ERVET Emilia-Romagna Valorizzazione Economica Territorio SpA, 2002.

[15] Programma di Iniziativa Comunitaria Interreg III A Grecia-Italia 2000- 2006. Trattamento e valorizzazione reflui dell'industria lattiero-casearia, 2006.

[16] V. Divella and G. Mastrini. SieroValore: scenari e prospettive per la valorizzazione dei reflui caseari. Technical report, Programma di Iniziativa Comunitaria Interreg III A Grecia-Italia 2000-2006, Assessorato Attivit`a Produttive della Provincia di Bari, 2008.

[17] M.D. Ermolaeva. Synonymous codon usage in bacteria. Current Issues of Molecular Biology, 3(4):91-97, 2001.

[18] E. Del Fabbro. Sviluppo di applicativi Matlab e definizione di metodologie per l'analisi quantitativa di dati in biologia sintetica., 2009 Universit`a degli studi di Pavia.

[19] M. Faccia. Studio sull'entità e sulla tipologia dei reflui prodotti dall'industria lattiero-casearia in provincia di Bari. Technical report, Universit`a degli Studi di Bari - Dipartimento di progettazione e gestione dei sistemi agrozootecnici e forestali, 2008.

[20] R. Gelleti, R. Jodice, G. Mauro, D. Migliardi, D. Picco, M. Pin, E. Tomasinsig, and L. Tommasoni. Energia dalle biomasse: le tecnologie, i vantaggi per i processi produttivi, i valori economici e ambientali. Technical report, Servizio trasferimento tecnologico di AREA science Park e Progetto Novimpresa, April 2006.

[21] B. Hahn-Hagerdal, M. Galbe, M.F. Gorwa-Grauslund, G. Liden, and G.Zacchi. Bioethanol, the fuel of tomorrow from the residues of today. TRENDS in biotechnology, 24(12):549-555, 2006.

[22] iGEM., 2009.

[23] iGEM., 2009.

[24] iGEM., 2009.

[25] iGEM. 09 DNA distribution, 2009.

[26] L. 0. Ingram, T. Conway, G. W. Sewell D. P. Clark, and J. F. Preston. Genetic engineering of ethanol production in Escherichia coli. Applied and enviromental microbiology, 53(10):2420-2425, october 1987.

[27] J.R. Kelly, A.J. Rubin, J.H.Davis, C.M. Ajo-Franklin, J.Cumbers, M.J.Czar, K. de Mora, A.L. Glieberman, D.D. Moonie, and D. Endy. Measuring the activity of BioBrick promoters using an in vivo reference standard. Journal of Biological Engineering, 3, 2009.

[28] J.F. Lawrence and H. Ochman. Amelioration of bacterial genome: rates of

change and exchange. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 44:383-397, 1997.

[29] K.C. Ling. Whey to ethanol: a biofuel role for diary cooperatives? Technical report, USDA Rural developement, February 2008.

[30] B.W. Matthews. The structure of E. coli beta-galactosidase. C.R.Biologies, 328:549-556, 2005.

[31] Comunit`a montana di Baldo. L'energia da biomasse. Technical report, Comunit`a montana di Baldo, 2007.

[32] Hyun-Beom Seo, Hyun-Joo Kim, Oh-Kyu Lee, Ji-Hye ha, Hyeon-Yong Lee, and Kyung-Hwan Jung. Measurement of ethanol concentration using solvent extraction and dichromate oxidation and its application to bioethanol production process. Journal of industrial microbiology and biotechonology, 36:285-292, 2009.

[33] W.B. Silviera, F.J.V. Passos, H.C. Mantovani, and F.M.L. Passos. Ethanol production from cheese whey permeate by Kluyveromyces marxianus UFV3: a flux analysis of oxido reductive metabolism as a function of lactose concentration and oxygen levels. Enzyme and microbial technology, 36:930-936, 2005.

[34] TECAN. TECAN - instruction for use In nte 200. TECAN, 2008.

[35] P. Wix and M. Woodbine. The disposal and utilization of whey: a review. Dairy Science, 20:537-541, 1958.

[36] L.P. Yomano, S.W. York, S. Zhou, K.T. Shanmugam, and L.O. Ingram. Re-engineereing Escherichia coli for ethanol produztion. Biotechnology letters, 30:2097-2113, 2008.

[37] S.W. York and L-O-Ingram. Soy-based medium for ethanol production by Escherichia coli K011. Journal of industrial microbiology and biotechonology, 16(6):374-376, 1996

[38] Altherthum F, Ingram LO. Efficient ethanol production from glucose, lactose, and xylose by Recombinant E. coli. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1989 Aug;1943-1984.

[39] Bansal S, Oberoi HS, Dhillon GS, Patil RT. Production of β-galactosidase by Kluyveromyces marxianus MTCC 1388 using whey and effect of four different methods of enzyme extraction on β-galactosidase activity. Indian J Microbiol. 2008 Sept;48(3):337-341.

[40] Dien BS, Cotta MA, Jeffries TW. Bacteria engineered for fuel ethanol production: current status. Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 2003 Dec;63(3):258-266.

[41] Dien BS, Nichols NN, O'Bryan PJ and Bothast PJ..Development of new ethanologenic Escherichia coli strains for fermentation of lignocellulosic biomass. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2000 Mar;84-86(1-9):181-196.

[42] Domingues L, Lima N, Teixeira JA. Alcohol production from cheese whey permeate using genetically modified flocculent yeast cells. Biotechnol Bioeng. 2001 Mar 5;72(5):507-514.

[43] Frey PA.The Leloir pathway: a mechanistic imperative for three enzymes to change the stereochemical configuration of a single carbon in galactose. FASEB J. 1996 Mar;10(4):461-470.

[44] Guimarães PM, Klein J, Domingues L, Teixeira JA. Fermentation performance of a recombinant lactose-consuming flocculating Saccharomyces cerevisiae stain. Braz J Food Technol. 2005 Mar;5°SIPAL:34-39.

[45] Guimarães PM, Teixeira JA, Domingues L. Fermentation of high concentrations of lactose to ethanol by engineered flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnol Lett. 2008 Nov;30(11):1953-8. Epub 2008 Jun 25.

[46] Guimarães PM, Teixeira JA, Domingues L. Alcoholic fermentation of lactose by engineered flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae. International conference and exhibition on bioenergy, Guimarães, Portugal, 2008 – “Bioenergy : challenges and opportunities.” [47] Holden HM, Rayment I, Thoden JB. Structure and function of enzymes of the Leloir pathway for galactose metabolism. J Biol Chem. 2003 Nov 7;278(45):43885-8. Epub 2003 Aug 15. [48] Ingram LO, Conway T, Clark DP, Sewell GW, Preston JF. Genetic engineering of ethanol production in Escherichia coli. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1987 Oct;53(10):2420-2425.

[49] Kalscheuer R, Stölting T, Steinbüchel A. Microdiesel: Escherichia coli engineered for fuel production. Microbiology. 2006 Sep;152(Pt 9):2529-2536.

[50] Leite AR, Guimaraes WV, Fernardes de Araujo E, Silva DO. Fermentation of sweet whey by recombinant Escherichia coli. Braz J Food Technol. 2000;31:212-215.

[51] Lewandowska M and Kujawski W. Ethanol production from lactose in a fermentation/pervaporation system. J Food Eng. 2007 Mar;79(2):430-437.

[52] Ling KC. Whey to ethanol a biofuel role for dairy cooperatives. USDA Rural Development. Research Report 214. 2008 Feb.

[53] Ostojic S, Pavlovic M, Zivic M, Filipovic Z, Gorjanovi S, Hranisavljevi S and Dojinovic M. Processing of whey from dairy industry waste. Environ Chem Lett. 2005 Aug;3(1):29-32.

[54] Savage DF, Way J, Silver PA. Defossing fuel: how synthetic biology can transform biofuel production. ACS Chem Bio. 2008 Jan;3(1):13-16.

[55] Silveira WB, Passos FJV, Mantovani HC and Passos FML. Ethanol production from cheese whey permeate by Kluyveromyces marxianus UFV-3: A flux analysis of oxido-reductive metabolism as a function of lactose concentration and oxygen levels. Enzym Microb Tech. 2005 May;36(7):930-936.

[56] Staniszewski M, Kujawski W and Lewandowska M. Ethanol production from whey in bioreactor with co-immobilized enzyme and yeast cells followed by pervaporative recovery of product – Kinetic model predictions. J Food Eng. 2007 Oct; 82(4):618-625.

[57] Recupero dei costituenti organici del siero di latte e bioconversione in proteine unicellulari da lievito alimentare. Pilot project I/02/B/F/PP-120211

[58] Agenzia per l'innovazione e l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese. Tecnologie disponibili per il trattamento di siero di latte e reflui dell'industria lattiero casearia e localizzazione degli impianti in Puglia.

[59] Tipologie di recupero tradizionale del siero (http://www.tecnologiepulite)