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E. coli Strains

Strains handed by Giuseppe Bertani

C-1a.- Main strain for working with phage P2 and P4. This is also the mother strain for all the modified phage-containing derivatives. Its genetic map is really close to E. coli K12 "pop" strain. Its genome is being sequenced.

C-117.- Lysogenic for P2

C-1906.- Lysogenic for P4.

Strains handed by Richard Calendar

C-331 /arg/-am/1/ /tonA-trp/D, str-r (P2) (P4 /imp/) The abbreviation "imp" means "improved plaques."

C-520 F^+ /supD60/, used for growth and plaque assay of P2.

C-1895 F^+ /supD60/ (P2 /lg/), which we use to grow and sometimes assay for P4. The symbol "lg" denotes large plaques.

C-2423 /trp/-am /arg/-am/1/ str-r (P2 /lg/ del/1/) This strain is used to get the best P4 plaques. The symbol del1 denotes a deletion of the /old /gene, which interferes with the growth of phage lambda and kills /recB-/ bacteria.

Strain variants obtained in our lab

C-1895 sp+.- this slow-growing strain can be used for obtaining an excelent stock of P4 sid1

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