IGEM Publicity

From 2009.igem.org

Revision as of 16:26, 12 November 2009 by Wilfred (Talk | contribs)

iGEM 2008 Publicity | [http://parts.mit.edu/igem07/index.php/Media iGEM 2007 Publicity] | [http://parts.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/IGEM_News iGEM 2006 Publicity]

(Members of the press, please see the iGEM Press Kit)

blogs covering iGEM 2009

  • The [http://igem.sdu.dk/ SDU-Denmark] team blog about their iGEM experience.
  • A blog about the iGEM project of the [http://aboutgmos.org/iGEM Uppsala-Sweden] team.

video/radio about iGEM 2009

  • Slovenia, Heidelberg, SDU-Denmark: [http://www.dradio.de/dlf/sendungen/forschak/1062608/ Die Biobastler von Boston], Nov 2, 2009, Deutschlandfunk radio (in German).
  • Cambridge, Imperial: [http://www.sciencefriday.com/program/archives/200911063 Synthetic Biology Competition], Nov 6, 2009, NPR Science Friday (in English).

news articles about iGEM 2009

If you would like to share an article that was written about iGEM or your iGEM team, please link to it on this page. If you have multiple articles featuring your team, link to them all individually!

Post the name of your team, the title of your article, where it was featured, and provide a link to it.

Team Example: Title of article, Nature, [link]


  • The Economist: Biohacking: Hacking goes squishy Sep 3, 2009 [http://www.economist.com/search/displaystory.cfm?story_id=14299634 The Economist]
  • The Scientist: Brick by Brick Feb 1, 2009. [http://www.the-scientist.com/article/display/55378/ The Scientist]
  • Technology Review: A Genetically Engineered Rainbow of Bacteria Nov 03, 2009. [http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/editors/24351/ Technology Review]
  • Discovery News: Bright Bacteria Wins Synthetic Biology Competition Nov 6, 2009. [http://blogs.discoverychannel.co.uk/discovery-news/2009/11/bright-bacteria-wins-synthetic-biology-competition.html Discovery News]

team specific

  • Team:IBB_Pune: "Bio-champs in the making" (English), [http://www.punemirror.in/index.aspx?Page=article&sectname=News%20-%20City&sectid=2&contentid=200909142009091423331646a131eacc#ftr2 (Monday, September 14, 2009 at 11:33:25 PM)]
  • Team:IBB_Pune: "Ganiti Prakriyanmadhe Jeevanuncha Vaapar! (Use of Bacteria in mathematical devices)" (Marathi), [http://beta.esakal.com/2009/09/09220618/pune-use-of-bacterias-in-maths.html(Wednesday, September 09th, 2009 AT 10:09 PM)]
  • Team:IBB_Pune: "Synthetic Biologiteel Bharari ("Advances in Synthetic Biology")" (Marathi), (Wednesday 7 October 2009)
  • Team:Groningen: "Synthetic biology students from Groningen in the race for best bacterium" (Dutch), [http://www.cityoftalent.nl/nl/content/nieuws/nieuws/groningse-studenten-synthetische-biologie-maken-bacterie City of Talent (August 20, 2009)]
  • Team:Groningen: "Talent of the Purest Water" (Dutch, advertisement) [http://www.volkskrant.nl/vk-online/VK/20091024___/1_003/ad6.html Volkskrant, (October 24 2009)]
  • Team:Groningen: "RUG-team in finals synthetic biology" (Dutch), [http://www.uk.rug.nl/cms-basis/nieuws.php?subaction=showfull&id=1257343172&archive=&start_from=&ucat=1 UK (Paper of the Groningen University) (November 4, 2009)]
  • Team:Groningen: "Team iGEM Groningen wins golden medal" (Dutch), [http://www.cityoftalent.nl/nl/content/nieuws/nieuws/team-igem-groningen-wint-gouden-medaille City of Talent (November 10, 2009)]
  • Team:Groningen: "Gold and a place in the finals for Groningen contestants iGEM 2009" (Dutch), [http://www.rug.nl/Corporate/nieuws/archief/archief2009/persberichten/174_09 Press release University Groningen (November 11, 2009)]
  • Team:Groningen: "Performance of world class RUG in Boston" (Dutch), [http://www.groningergezinsbode.nl/profile/redactiegroningergezinsbode/article73205.ece/wereldprestatie_rug_in_boston Groninger Gezinsbode (November 11, 2009)]
  • Team:Groningen: "Groningen students finalists gentech-competition" (Dutch), [http://www.studned.nl/1084/wetenschap/groningse-studenten-finalisten-gentech-wedstrijd StudNed.nl (November 11, 2009)]
  • Team:Groningen: "International price for Groningen students" (Dutch), [http://www.rtvnoord.nl/nieuws/indexwm.asp?actie=totaalbericht&pid=86497 RTV-Noord (November 11, 2009)]
  • Team:Groningen: "Gold and a place in the finals for Groningen contestants iGEM 2009" (Dutch), [http://www.noorderlink.nl/nieuws/goud-en-een-finale-plaats-voor-groningse-deelnemers-igem-2009 NoorderLink (November 11, 2009)]
  • Team:Groningen: "Gold and a place in the finals for Groningen contestants iGEM 2009" (Dutch), [http://www.headlinez.nl/?nr=2295334 HeadLinez.nl (November 11, 2009)]
  • Team:Groningen: "With a pacmanbacterium in de finals" (Dutch), [http://www.uk.rug.nl/archief/jaargang39/11/12e.php UK (Paper of the Groningen University) (November 12, 2009)]
  • Team:SupBiotech-Paris: "Un concours organisé par le M.I.T : en route pour Boston ! " (French), [http://www.supbiotech.fr/2009/09/boston-supbiotech-igem.html (September 08, 2009)]
  • Team:SupBiotech-Paris: "Les étudiants de la biotech interpellent la biologie synthétique" (French), [http://www.vivagora.org/spip.php?breve210 (October 09, 2009)]
  • Team:UAB-Barcelona: "Un equipo de la UAB, en el concurso de biología sintética del MIT" (Spanish), [http://www.uab.es/servlet/Satellite?cid=1096481466568&pagename=UABDivulga%2FPage%2FTemplatePageDetallArticleInvestigar&param1=1253860327385 (September 23, 2009)]
  • Team:UAB-Barcelona: "UAB to participate in the synthetic biology competition at MIT" (English), [http://www.uab.es/servlet/Satellite/latest-news/news-detail/uab-to-participate-in-the-synthetic-biology-competition-at-mit-1096476786473.html?noticiaid=1253657853358 (September 23, 2009)]
  • Team:Valencia: "TheValencia team is awarded the Synthetic Standard Prize" (Spanish), [http://www.elpais.com/articulo/sociedad/Levaduras/funcionan/pixeles/elpepuespval/20091103elpepusoc_9/Tes]
  • Team:Cambridge: "University of Cambridge team wins iGEM synthetic biology competition " (English), [http://www.biotechniques.com/news/University-of-Cambridge-team-wins-iGEM-synthetic-biology-competition/biotechniques-180278.html (November 5 2009)]
  • Team:Virginia: [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/10/22/AR2009102204628.html New works of science nonfiction], The Washington Post (October 23, 2009)