Team:Paris/4 August 2009


Revision as of 13:13, 7 August 2009 by Vicard (Talk | contribs)



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← Yesterday - Tomorrow →

August 4th

Brain work

A lot of meeting today: First on for the modeling explication and application of stochastic model ? The second one on every parts and each member's work explanation. We still arguing about the travel agency for the Jamboree...Waaaaaaaaa

Lab work

Overnight culture

  • Keio Collection
    • [S20] JW4251: LB Kan1000x 200rpm 37°C
    • [S21] JN0729: LB Kan1000x 200rpm 37°C
    • [S22] JN0728: LB Kan1000x 200rpm 37°C
    • [S23] JN0727: LB Kan1000x 200rpm 37°C
    • [S24] JN0940: LB Kan1000x 200rpm 37°C
    • [S24] JN0940: LB Kan1000x 37°C
    • [S25] JW5100: LB Kan1000x 200rpm 37°C
    • [S25] JW5100: LB Kan1000x 37°C
    • [S26] JN5181: LB Kan1000x 200rpm 37°C
  • [S27] FF64: LB Tet1000x 200rpm 37°C
  • [S28] NEC280: LB 200rpm 37°C
  • [S5] MG4: LB Kan NaCl20% 200rpm 37°C
  • [S6] DH5α: LB 200rpm 37°C

  • [S24] JN0940: LBagar plate with Kan1000x 37°C
  • [S25] JW5100: LBagar plate with Kan1000x 37°C

Biobrick resuspention

  • 1/1K named 1K1 (pSB1A3). Resistant to Ampicilin.

Transformation of precited Biobrick

  • 1K1 (pSB1A3) in competent DH5α by RbCl [Protocol]


  • Purification of P3,P4,P5,P7 with XbaI PstI (using 1,5% agarose because pb is inferior to 100pb during 25 min)And P8 with (1%Agarose during 25 min because pb is superior to 1kpb).

D1=[P3[1]]Digested, D2=P4, D3=P5, D4=P7, D5=P8, (D4 seems to be bad because we don't see is specific band during a gel after is purification)

    • P1 didn't work (we don't have the specific band after the digestion so we can't putificate it), P2 purification, for tomorrow
  • Gel for check the purification[Ladder 100bp|P3|P4|P5|P7|nothing|ladder 1kb|P8]
4aout1er o.JPG

To do list

Matricule TODO
Luc SNARE Construction
Romain Design oligo Fec A
Charlotte design of oligos: FecR, FecA, SNARE?, sequencing oligo
Stoff Dev schedule algorithm / BDD
Chris modeling : we don't want fu*king oscillations !
Lisa Oligo Tol/Pal / Oligo Sequencing / Tol/Pal Protocol verification / Keio / Theme A writting
Caroline coloration of cells / protocols for the lab: control of the emission of vesicules....
Souf oligos desing / Labs
Vicard Gel / SNARE
Pierre modeling : we don't want fu*king oscillations !
Sylvain minipreps. Check if the use of starch is possible ; problem : find a system to help the starch enter into the periplasm, use of LacY -> noise
Guillaume Lab/ g3p