

Revision as of 14:16, 5 October 2009 by Dzonni (Talk | contribs)

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent nec nisi nec elit volutpat sollicitudin. Sed cursus venenatis egestas. In mollis vehicula dictum. Sed id lacus vitae tortor commodo pharetra porttitor ut purus. Nullam euismod urna at felis accumsan sit amet viverra leo fermentum. Phasellus ac molestie sapien. In in neque purus. Cras eget lorem arcu. Aliquam ornare tellus vel nisi commodo molestie. Aliquam aliquet magna nisl. Quisque velit nulla, adipiscing ut sagittis id, luctus viverra leo. Nam nunc nisl, euismod eu dignissim nec, eleifend ut augue. Phasellus tempor condimentum ipsum, ut molestie lorem suscipit vel. Nulla luctus turpis eget neque facilisis eget sodales ante tincidunt. Praesent congue lobortis mollis. Maecenas non augue id mi dignissim luctus. Donec quis volutpat lectus. Mauris condimentum sodales luctus. Nulla nec mauris sapien, eget gravida quam. Fusce vulputate risus eget diam elementum vel mattis nisi sagittis. Vivamus eget enim a nisl imperdiet aliquet commodo eget turpis. Aliquam nec mi ac neque tincidunt facilisis fringilla at sapien. Praesent in justo vel turpis hendrerit suscipit. Nullam nec magna leo, sed vulputate quam. Aliquam sollicitudin hendrerit erat at eleifend. Vivamus tincidunt felis vitae metus suscipit non volutpat neque tempus. Phasellus sagittis accumsan tellus, vitae pharetra ligula rhoncus vitae.
Our project is concerned with the detection of both the presence of TNT and nitrites/nitrates. We have designed two different pathways, each concerned with the detection of the mentioned substances. These will interconnect to give a different visual signal depending on the presence or absence of our target chemicals.

Before we proceed in a detailed explanation of the biological system it would be useful to demonstrate a simplified explanation of how our system would operate from a practical point of view. The first think to point out is that the bacteria are meant to be spread with an aeroplane over the affected areas and the colour pattern will be viewed over night. An overview of the visual outcome is shown in table 1.
The first limitation someone might find in this system is that if TNT alone is present then there is not going to be any visual outcome. This problem is solved by adding a TNT degrading enzyme to our chassis, namely a nitroreductase enzyme from Enterobacter cloacae (Pubmed entry:________, Biobrick #:________). This enzyme will be transcribed in the presence of TNT and will produce nitrites in the process of degrading TNT (Christopher E. French 1998). This, along with the fact that TNT is naturally degraded by other soil flora and fauna (Reference) allows us to be confident enough that TNT will always be present with nitrites in the soil overcoming this limitation.
Edinburgh University iGem Team 2009