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Student Members


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2nd Year biochemistry and microbiology student. Was studying in UK for several years before coming back to the homeland and join the big HKU family. After spending a year doing nothing, skipping lectures (switched onto the “sleep” mood even do appear) and resting, I finally picked myself up to get some work done by registering to the iGEM team. Being the one who is responsible for the BIG fund-raising job, human practices activities and others wet lab experiments for our team. I must say that was the busiest summer I have ever had but also the one which I truly enjoyed.

It was an honor for me to work with many hilarious, “hard-working” fellow geniuses. Especially those weekly meetings that end at mid-night, meals time which we make fun out of each other and when the swine flu suddenly hit our lab. Many and many more memorable moments that we shared together throughout the past few months were totally awesome and enjoyable. Hope we shall get some good results this year and ROCK THEM!

Bosco Wong Ho Yin

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Hi, my name is Bosco and i am a year 2 student at HKU reading biochemistry and chemistry. During these days working as a membrane in the HKU_HKBU team, i have learnt a lot about synthetic biology and yet made invaluable friendship from the other members.

I joined this competition not only for learning more about biochemistry, but also the essential lab skills that i need for my studies. Through these months conducting experiments in the lab and holding numerous meetings late, i am very surprised i have survived from all these.

Especially when some of the members went home and there were only few people here in hong kong, we have encountered a very great crisis in human resources. Yet, with all our keen devotion, we have resolved and learnt from problems to problems. I love the days being in the team and the days spent with my teammates, making fun of each other, hard working together without sleeping. Now i just wanna finish our current and can't wait to see us beating up the other teams at MIT (if we were able = =).

To be honest, actually i never emphasized i am the leader of the compeition. As i am a person who don;t want to make the other people shoulder a lot of pressure and i don't want think i am the person with good leading skills.

I just think of myself being a normal member and try to do my best. I know i am not a good leader at all but anyway i feel very grateful for those who gave me support and forgave my wrongdoings during the hard times. I know i have said a chunk of stuff and i know it is clumsy. The last thing i wanna say is that i am very proud that i have spent time with my friends pursuing a dream during my most busy summer, pursuing a goal that to undergraduate students seems so far away and demanding yet it is the sweetest ,remarkable and memorable dream i have ever had in my life time.

I just love you all!



I’m a second year student studying Biochemistry and Chemistry at the University of HongKong. I have a strong interest in doing research and enjoy the process of trying new ideas. On the team I spent most of my time doing wet lab. Although I have been defeated for many trials, once I had positive results, a great sense of accomplishments made all the efforts worthy. Meanwhile, the variable possibilities in experiments display the fascination of synthetic biology. Another great thing is that I have met lots of like-minded friends in this IGEM competition. We exchanged our ideas, experienced failure and success together, which made us like a big family. Outside the lab, I’m an easy-going person with lots of interests. I usually do sports and go travelling in my spare time to relax myself.

WEI Ling

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I am a year 2 student from the Department of Mathematics of the University of Hong Kong. I joined the iGEM team of HKU-BU at the beginning of this summer, and feel great honored to join in the jamboree representing HKU. As a mathematics students, I have never entered a Biochemistry lab before but the experience this time has enlighten me a lot. Actually, iGEM is the first time for me to touch the concept of synthetic biology.

Working together with the whole team, under the guidance of instructors, I am able to see my progress day after day. Those creative ideas in the brainstorm, rigorous spirit of setting controlling, and the ingenious designing of experiment have impressed me and changed my mind significantly.

During the summer, I mainly worked on controlling the speed of our bacteria-motor, and on measuring the expressing level related to a concentration gradient of the IPTG inducer, by the method of Western Blotting. Besides, I have tried on knocking out cheZ fragment of E.coli 2443 and spent some time in making bio-brick.

Generally, I have learned a lot in the iGEM and really enjoyed the project.


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When I first heard about iGEM and the idea of synthetic biology, it really caught my interest. This is a chance where I can combine other’s work and findings and make the best out of them. This is what I have learnt recently from object-orientated programming – breaking ideas down into objects, manipulating and assembling them into one working machine.

Being in the second year of the Bioinformatics Programme, I am in the middle of learning how the knowledge of computer science can be applied on biochemistry. By participating in the iGEM competition, one would be able to gain hands-on experience on what biochemistry research is like, how the knowledge learnt from lectures can be applied to practical laboratory work, and the wisdom to work as a team – sharing results, joys as well as deadlines and pressure. I am glad and honoured to be a part of the team HKU-HKBU, and it is a wonderful opportunity to be able to work with students from another university in Hong Kong.

Nova ZHONG Xing Xin

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I am a year 2 student from the Department of Mathematics of the University of Hong Kong. I joined the iGEM team of HKU-BU at the beginning of this summer, and feel great honored to join in the jamboree representing HKU. As a mathematics students, I have never entered a Biochemistry lab before but the experience this time has enlighten me a lot. Actually, iGEM is the first time for me to touch the concept of synthetic biology.

Working together with the whole team, under the guidance of instructors, I am able to see my progress day after day. Those creative ideas in the brainstorm, rigorous spirit of setting controlling, and the ingenious designing of experiment have impressed me and changed my mind significantly.

During the summer, I mainly worked on controlling the speed of our bacteria-motor, and on measuring the expressing level related to a concentration gradient of the IPTG inducer, by the method of Western Blotting. Besides, I have tried on knocking out cheZ fragment of E.coli 2443 and spent some time in making bio-brick.

Generally, I have learned a lot in the iGEM and really enjoyed the project.


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I am entering my second year of biochemistry at HKU and i have a special interest in bio-gerontology. I join the igem2009 because i want to understand more about synthetic biology and to get some practical research experience. In my spare time i enjoy table tennis, archery and chess games. I hope to pursue my PhD program in the US after i graduate.

I am entering my second year of biochemistry at HKU and i have a special interest in bio-gerontology. I join the igem2009 because i want to understand more about synthetic biology and to get some practical research experience. In my spare time i enjoy table tennis, archery and chess games. I hope to pursue my PhD program in the US after i graduate.

Student Helpers

Soso Xue Yuan

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Yuan Xue is a senior high school student (graduating in 2010) currently pursuing study in La Salle Catholic College Preparatory located in Portland, Oregon. He developed an interest in the field of biology and chemistry after studying the corresponding courses at high school that soon attracted him to iGEM. After approximately two weeks of volunteering in a former iGEM project of iHKU team over the summer of 2008, he had an honor to pledge to working with university students as a HKU-HKBU team member this year in 2009. This precious opportunity gave him an insight into the application of principles of synthetic biology to contributing human welfare; furthermore, it inspired him to pursue further studies in the corresponding field of study as he found it to be intellectually provocative and intriguing.

He was assigned as a wet lab researcher tasked with activating the polar expression on Escherichia coli 2443 OMPT. His primary approach to tackling this task was transforming plasmids into 2443 OMPT. He learned a tremendous amounts of knowledge on regards to research techniques, data analysis, setting for experiments, and the mindset of research – to be both innovative and steadfast.
