Team:Alberta/Project/Debate Outreach


Revision as of 04:19, 21 October 2009 by Ecyleung (Talk | contribs)

University of Alberta - BioBytes

Debate Outreach

Debate is a powerful tool for raising the awareness of ethical questions. We used debate for this purpose by doing a demonstration debate on the resolution "This House Supports the Development of Artificially Engineered Life" at Old Scona Academic High School, for an audience of about 80 students.

Style: This debate was an abbreviated format similar to Canadian Parliamentary Style. Each speaker is expected to take one or two questions from the other speaker during each speech.

  • Proposition: 5 minute speech
  • Opposition: 5 minute speech
  • Proposition: 5 minute speech
  • Opposition: 8 minute speech
  • Proposition: 3 minute speech
  • Both speakers have debated at tournaments across Western Canada and debate or judged at the National Debate Championships.

    Proposition speaker: a University of Alberta Debate Society member, studying Arts.

    Opposition speaker: an iGEM team member and University of Alberta Debate Society member, studying Molecular Genetics.

    Listen to the Debate

    Note: The debaters periodically say 'no thank you' as they are speaking - this is to decline a question offered by the other debater. Also note that the high school orchestra was practicing next door; please ignore the music in the background.