Team:Berkeley Software/AdamNotebook
Adam's iGEM 2009 Notebook
Contents |
Adam z liu 06:26, 4 June 2009 (UTC)
My name is Adam Liu, and I am going to be a 4th year EECS student in the fall. This summer I will be working as a member of Berkeley's computational team. With the success of Clotho last iGEM, we have a great foundation to build off of this year. Although there are still a few bugs to fix, we plan to pursue many new exciting projects to move Clotho forward. The team is much bigger than last year, so hopefully we will not be too overwhelmed. My main focus this summer will be language development.
Short-term project:
I will be making a plug-in that will take a textual description of biological parts in an input file, tentatively named Adam's Language For Sequences (ALFS), and generate an image with [ BOGL] symbols.
Long-term project:
- Familiarize myself with [ Proto], [ Antimony], and [ SBML].
- Get an existing language to work with Clotho.
- Design and implement our own language (structural netlist first).
Adam z liu 00:25, 11 June 2009 (UTC)
I finished a simple plugin called Pictoparts. The user inputs a *.p file describing BOGL parts, and my plugin parses the file, stitches together images, and outputs and displays an image of the composite part. I also met my partner Lesia, and we had our first project meeting with Doug. We came up with the following outline of tasks to complete this week:
- Think of a name for our language
- Give Lesia the [ Proto paper]
- Look for other languages
- Write up a draft language for the [ BOGL RFC]
- List of primitive datatypes
- List of properties for primitives
- Rule syntax
Once we have a first draft for syntax, we will test the expressive power of our language on a set of diagrams by a member of the Stanford BOGL effort. We will then submit everything to the BOGL/BOL community for critique. Next week, we plan on giving our language to the wetlab to test, as well. After we settle on acceptable syntax, we will specify the grammar to [ GNU Bison] to parse our language.
Adam z liu 19:22, 19 June 2009 (UTC)
Doug, Lesia, and I got feedback from various different sources about the sample syntax:
- Cesar Rodriguez - contributor to the Stanford BOGL project
- Rename Part to Component and Composite to Device
- Make the language object-oriented with everything inheriting from Sequence
- Paul Hilfinger - compilers professor at Berkeley
- Need a way to define modules
- Use a parser generator
- CS community not really interested in domain-specific languages unless new processing is being done
- J. Chris Anderson - Berkeley iGEM wetlab instructor
- The language cannot be just a tweaked version of others already out there
- Be able to elaborate on the ultimate purpose of the language
Lesia and I are developing a grammar for [ ANTLR]. We also gave a PowerPoint presentation about our project to the group.