Katja Kolar's notebook

From 2009.igem.org

Revision as of 01:36, 21 October 2009 by Katja (Talk | contribs)
Week 1+2 (6/15/09 – 6/26/09)
  • bootcamp and team challenge time
  • constructs 43/50, 43/55 and OH: miniprepped, test digested, repeated the bad ones
  • plated Dictiostelium discoideum aka Dicty on a petri dish with liquid media, grew them

Week 3 (6/29/09 – 7/3/09)
  • all GEFs: sequenced the source plasmids, transformed into TG1, miniprepped, test digested, designed and ordered oligos for biobricks
  • all actin modulators: transformed into TG1, miniprepped, test digested, designed and ordered oligos for biobricks, PCRed, repeated PCR, ran gel, purified, BP gatewayed, transformed into DH5α
  • DOR fusions with actin binding domains: transformed into TG1, miniprepped, test digested
  • learned how to use EZ-TAXIScan, how the CellTracker works

Week 4 (7/6/09 – 7/10/09)
  • actin modulators: repeated BP gateway and transformation, miniprepped and test digested ActA short, also ordered new reverse oligos (found a deletion in flankies, that obviously decreases BP yields)
  • helped Jackie and Eric with minipreps of GPCRs they transformed, test digested all
  • microscopy with wild type HL-60 cells aka HL60's:
20 min movies (10 s frame, with 20x objective),
after 10 min stimulated with fMLP (uniform stimulation, various concentrations - started with 100 nM, then lower/higher),
used 8-well chambers
--> optimizing all parameters
  • about preparing cells for microscopy:
coated plating surface with fibronectin
2x washed with dPBS
blocked with RPMI with FBS
plated cells (5-7 days old)
1-2x washed, resuspended in RPMI with FBS
took movies on microscope
  • troubleshooting microscopy:
  • bad contrast and focus: movies in 24-well plates, varied the final plating volume, amount of fibronectin
--> meniscus turnes out to be the major problem
  • basal movement of HL60's is too high: should I change the plating media? sth. else?
--> started blocking in mHBSS with 1% BSA (always prepare fresh!!), also washed cells with that + starved the cells before plating – RPMI without FBS for 1h, or RPMI with lower % of FBS over night
  • all GEFs, hM4D, Rs1.3, ss-FLAG(-YFP): PCRed, ran gel, also purified, BP gatewayed and transformed into DH5α the successful ones