Uppsala-Sweden/31 July 2009

From 2009.igem.org

Revision as of 16:38, 31 July 2009 by Karl.brune (Talk | contribs)

Does Z. Mobilis kill Synechocystis?

As our prelimary test from the ethanol evolution appear to show that Z. mobilis and Synechocystis do not like to be grown together, we decided to make a small side project, to test if Z. mobilis really kills Synechocystis. Therefore we repeated the expirement done in the ethanol evolution project with triplicates.

Triplicates of 14,5 ml BG11 + 0,69 ml EtOH (thus 4%) + 1ml Synchecocystis inoculum + 0,5ml Z.mobilis inoculum are incubated at 30°C in the cyanobacteria growth room. Control is 14,5 ml BG11 + 0,69 ml EtOH (thus 4%) + 1ml Synchecocystis inoculum + 0,5ml BG11.

Triplicates of 14,5 ml BG11 + 1ml Synchecocystis inoculum + 0,5ml Z.mobilis inoculum are incubated at 30°C in the cyanobacteria growth room. Control is 14,5 ml BG11 + 1ml Synchecocystis inoculum + 0,5ml BG11.

OD values were measured in triplicates. Results here:Media:1st_read_2009_07_31.xls

--Karl.brune 16:38, 31 July 2009 (UTC)

DNA-Extraction from Fil products

DNA-Extraction: Anders and I made further DNA extraction from Hälsofil and Langfil to use them as templates for our PCR for the kivd genes. Protocol is coming soon.

Thanks to Fernando for helping us, handling the slimy fil.

--Karl.brune 16:38, 31 July 2009 (UTC)