Team:Berkeley Software/DougNotebook


Revision as of 17:40, 8 June 2009 by Densmore (Talk | contribs)

Douglas Densmore's iGEM 2009 Notebook


Densmore 16:00, 2 June 2009 (UTC)

Douglas Densmore - Out of the lab (Peru salt pools)

Yesterday was the first official day for Berkeley's 2009 iGEM computational team. In the morning we had an introductory meeting and the students filled out forms so that they had key access to Cory Hall, the DOP Center, and their office space. It was great that we were able to get this taken care of so quickly!

After the short time together in the morning, they went to safety training from 10-noon. This was followed by a meeting of both teams over pizza lunch in Stanley Hall. This was a good chance to meet everyone and get some logistics out of the way (stipends, photo release forms, etc).

In the afternoon we did the following:

  • Watched a short video on EDA
  • I gave an overview of the two web pages related to Clotho
  • Everyone signed up for Bugzilla and got a quick little overview
  • I gave an overview of the 6 different project areas available for this summer
    • Visualization tools
    • Language development
    • Plug-in and community development
    • Workflow development (Kepler)
    • Data Model revamp
    • Robot/Automation
  • Everyone configured Netbeans and set up CVS so that they could download Clotho

At the end of the meeting the students were given tasks for the week. The first tasks for the team are as follows:

  1. Think about which project(s) you would like to be involved in.
  2. Add an entry to your notebook with the following:
    • Introductory paragraph
    • Picture
    • Short description of their first short project
    • Short description of their first long project (with a bulleted list of tasks they are going to need to take)
  3. Play with Clotho
    • Take notes on all the bugs they find
      • Prize for the most/best bugs found
  4. Give feedback on the help files
  5. Meet with Doug before the week is out to talk about their role on the team

Today we:

  1. Discussed how to edit the wiki
  2. Went through a quick Clotho tutorial
  3. Talked about the coding standards for the project
  4. Decided on the owners for the help files. They are:


  • SequenceView


  • Main Toolbar
  • Clotho mySQL Connection


  • Features Library


  • Info View
  • Enzyme Library
  • Notepad


  • Database Manager
  • mySQL Pobol Connection


  • Parts Navigator


  • Plate Manager
  • Algorithm Manager


  • Parts Manager

Densmore 19:47, 3 June 2009 (UTC)

Today I met with Nina, Joanna, and Adam (or at least I will by the end of the day) to assign them each to projects and to explain to them more about what they are doing. Here are the project assignments so far:

Project Assignments
Project PI One PI Two
Data Model Bing Evan
Visualization Richard Joanna
Robot Automation Nina Bing
Workflows (Kepler) Thien ?
Language Dev. Adam Lesia
Plug-In/Community Lesia Richard

The projects have both a PI One (Principle Investigator One) and a PI Two (yes I understand that it is strange to have two "principle" investigators). On Thursday each project will be assigned a day of the week for the weekly meeting. These meetings will be between 2-3 hours long each

Densmore 01:33, 7 June 2009 (UTC)

Today (Saturday), Bing, Nade, Richard, and I came into the DOP Center. With the exception of Richard, everyone was here to close as many bugs as possible before the next beta build on Monday. Richard was here to work on the plug-in tutorial and materials.

In general it was a pretty successful day. We closed all the "easy" bugs and got to most of the critical other ones. In general I think it is a pretty solid version for the wet lab to start with. The major missing piece right now is a way for someone to delete entries in the database. This is an issue since you need to decide what to do with all parts that refer to the newly deleted item. Should you fill those pointers to "null"? If so, we need to make sure none of the tools will "break" if they read a null value (this should be done anyway). Another option is for a more elaborate delete. For example if I delete a biobrick, perhaps I should delete all samples which refer to it as well?

Anyway, those issues will be taken care of next time:)

Here is the list of bugs we found on Thursday. It is now broken down into those that are "fixed" and those that are "open". While the open list looks large, really most of these are not bugs bug just comments from the group. I kept these around so we would have a record of them.

Open Bugs

  • General Comments:
  1. Drag, drop, and squeeze all windows to make sure things size correctly
  2. mySQL with strange characters will break mySQL queries (need to escape many characters)
  • About menu:
  1. None (that we can think of)
  • Algorithm Manager:
  1. - this is a "bad part sequence" (Nina)
  2. open algorithm manager, run, try to import, cancel, cannot save it as anything but text (Nina)
  3. Input something, hit run, then close, still keeps the inputs (should clear when it closes) (Nina)
  • Database Manager:
  1. Drop down menu for people is not sorted (Adam)
  • Enzyme library:
  1. Cntrl click behavior (Joanna)
  • Features Library:
  1. Check degenerate code for features (Adam)
  2. Click edit twice, you get a second edit window, and then the first edit window will not longer function (Joanna)
  3. Try to add a random file as a source, it does not add (GOOD) but there is no error message (Bad) (Joanna)
  • Help menu:
  1. Highlights stay on when you switch pages (Doug)
  2. Hightlighting not working for html (Thien)
  3. HTML links do not work in Jpane (Doug)
  • Info View:
  1. Poorly used
  2. Need to make it pop up when appropriate
  • Main toolbar:
  1. Cosmetic issue - make a "please select" option be default (Nina)
  2. Can open parts manager multiple times (Adam)
  3. Drop down menus get stuck when you drag around the maintoolbar (Adam)
  • mySQLConnection:
  1. Storing passwords in config? (Adam)
  2. set primary ID to BioBrick longDescription and then part navigator get parts twice (Adam) - ???
  • Notepad:
  1. Edit menu is empty (Adam)
  2. Go to save and then hit cancel you get an I/O not found exception (Adam)
  • Parts Manager:
  1. Column sorting is strange (Adam)
  2. No indication that it is loading (Joanna)
  3. Tools options does not do anything (Adam)
  4. What does right click, "open selected" do (Adam)
  5. Can make a part with all " " and nulls (Joanna)
  6. Multiple parts selected, right click, hover around, then highlighting gets screwed up (Richard)
  7. Right click white space gives you a strange prompt (Adam)
  8. Sequence view just opens whatever part is in the parts manager(Nina) - (Adam says it gives exceptions)
  9. Select two parts and then send to the sequence view gives you an error(Nina) - ???

  • Parts Navigator:
  1. Search button is not really visible (Nina)
  • Plate manager:
  1. Got an error message while opening it?? (Strange binding error) (Joanna)
  • poBoLMySQLConnection:
  1. message after you successfully connect (Adam)
  • Sequence View:
  1. ORF highlight extends (Doug)
  2. Highlight data, click on allow degeneracy, then do an operation, it will still only change what was previously highlighed (Nina)
  3. Can enter bad characters with drag and drop (probably open too) (Adam)
  4. Replace does not replace the first one found (Nina)
  5. Export says does not say something when a connection that does not support export is selected (Bing)
  6. What is saving is not clear ie. I just dragged this from the plate manager (Nina)

Closed Bugs

  • Database Manager
  1. Could not tell the difference for successful and failed commit (has the same message) (Richard)
  2. After you have an unsuccessful commit (ie. invalid character), it won't work again later (Richard)
  • Enzyme library
  1. When you click highlight with no enzymes selected it has a yes no dialog box (Adam)
  2. "Everything" in file and enzyme library opens two windows (Adam)
  3. Loading and saving opens two windows if you hit cancel (Adam)
  • Features Library
  1. New feature in a new library (Joanna)
    1. Finish button does not work properly
      1. Window does not close
      2. Feature shows up but something is wrong
        1. Feature does not open when double clicked
        2. File is not storing feature
      3. Since window does not close it keeps making broken features
      4. New library paths are formatted incorrectly
  2. Export button does not work properly for new library (Joanna)
  3. When remove button is clicked when nothing is selected, exception is created (Joanna)
  4. Selected test library, hit remove, the name goes away, but the features pane stays until you click on something else (Joanna)
  5. Go to new library, cancel button appears before ok (inverted position) (Adam)
  • Help Menu:
  1. Welcome still text file (Joanna)
  2. Legal Information still text (Joanna)
  3. Version and legal still say alpha (Joanna)
  • mySQLConnection:
  1. Not clear where to go for more information when poor password is typed in (Nina)
  • Parts Manager:
  1. Choose plug-in hit you hit cancel you get a null point exception (Adam) - Just removed the plugin (Doug)
  2. Dialog error messages can be very long (Bing)
  3. When you refresh the database it does not warn you that you are going to lose unsaved changes (Joanna)
  • Parts Navigator:
  1. Lots of exceptions when you don't have a connection and you try to do anything (Thien)
  2. Exceptions if you don't have a primary id set (Adam)
  • Plate manager:
  1. Only should highlight the well (Joanna)
  2. Try to duplicate the move the sample error where it reappears (Doug)
  • poBoLMySQLConnection:
  1. default connection needs to update drop down(Bing)

Densmore 17:28, 8 June 2009 (UTC)

Today I put a new build of Clotho for June 8th at

This was in preparation for the Clotho tutorial I am going to give to the wet team at 1pm.

In the morning we had a group meeting the main issues I wanted to raise were:

  • The help files are still in bad shape. They need to be cleaned up more.
  • Talk about the wiki entries. Various levels of detail and quantity of material.
  • In the afternoon we have a dry run of the plug-in tutorial at 5pm.

Feedback on bugs in new version

The other major thing going on today are that I have to pick up Lesia.

wiki netbeans google calendar and email Richard plug