Team:Groningen/Project/Lab plan
Lab plan:
- Clone gvp from BioBrick (BBa_I750016) in vector with inducible promoter (e.g. PAra)
- Clone a metal ion transporter (CitM and HtmA are planned)
- Clone a metal accumulating protein.
- Clone a metal sensitive promoter in front of the gvp cluster.
- Clone the metal accumulating protein and metal transporter in one vector, possibly on a synthetic operon
- Transform both vectors in one E. coli strain
Gvp Cluster
- BBa_I750016 is a construct: E-genR-X-RBS-PART-S-P in vector BBa_J61035.
- Possibly the AmpR and ColE1 are also still present on the vector, as the part was last checked in 2008 and contained a Amp resistance marker…
- The part is present in the microtiter plate: Kit Plate 2, Well 11A
- Quality control was okay, but plasmid length was different than expected. --> should be checked by us.
- Plan:
- Get chemically competent E. coli
- Dilute dry DNA of gvp with 15ul diH2O
- Transform to E. coli --> see protocol
- Plate on LB-A plates with Amp or Gentamicin selection (50/50)
- Use positive and negative control
- Grow o/n @ 37 degrees
- Pick single colony and grow o/n in 5ml LB + correct antibiotic
- Make glycerol stocks of the o/n culture
- Do DNA isolation
- Check the vectors insert by restriction analysis --> PstI and XbaI (would give 1 band of ~ 3539bp and 1 of 6064bp)
- Design primers to get rid of restrictionsites
- SJ transformed E. coli with pWSK29, a low copy nr vector containing CitM (according to B. Krom this is the best vector for CitM)
- Get plasmid and possibly the plate with E. coli transformants.
- Check expression of CitM while growing on citrate medium with Amp, induce with IPTG
- Check gene for restriction sites and design primers to get rid of restriction sites.
- Design primers to introduce a pre/suffix --> ask B. Krom whether this would be feasible
- On its way, but hopefully arrives next week
Accumulation of metal
- BioBrick (BBa_K129004) LamB + metal binding domain is not available
- Find out whether it’s possible to only express the metal binding domain (6AA) and if so, order synthetic DNA with part with pre/suffix
To do list
- Get CitM from the biological centre
- Finish equipment list --> send to facility manager
- Design primers
- Read articles to find modeling parameters for the different sub-projects and to find testing-phenotype (e.g. metal inport) protocols
- Start ordering materials like: media, restriction enzymes, kits
- Talk with Profs for permission to use stuff from the different groups in Haren
- Check compatibility of different plasmids / promoters / replicons in E. coli--> On Fermentas site about [ pUC18, pUC19] and about [ pACYC184]
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