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MicC Target-GFP Fusion

People in Group: Phil Bell, Sonam Tanna, Davel Patel

Purpose: We want to fuse the MicC target sequence from the OmpC gene to the GFP gene on a low-copy plasmid and transform this into E. coli cells along with a high-copy plasmid carrying the MicC gene. We expect to see translational repression of GFP by the small RNA MicC.

Protocol(s) Used: (links to protocols page)

Recipe(s) Used:

Primers Used:

June 15

PCRs of sRNA genes and target sequences were performed using E. coli extracted chromosomal DNA and primers. We were able to purify the ompC gene on a 3% agarose gel, however no band was visible from the micC PCR product.

June 16

Another PCR of the micC gene was done. Results should be analyzed tomorrow.