UQ-Australia/2 July 2009
From 2009.igem.org
Team Meeting
Article for Chemical Society of Australia Magazine. Examine back issues for writing style. Confirm with editor for deadline.
Project description is due on July 31st. Should be a short, explicit summary; look for examples.
Think of a mascot for the conference.
Concentrate on adding our genes to the relevant Standard plasmids.
Contact Mark Schembri again; Ag 43 genes.
Presentation at Queensland Physiology Intrest Group (QPIG) on Friday, 4pm, Room 120D. General introduction to iGEM, then short explanation of projects.
Speak to Peter Thorn about keys to the lab, and 120D.
Check if presentation slides have been uploaded to the NING site.
Figure out how th use the risk assessments database.