Team:Berkeley Wetlab/Cell Surface Display Parts
Follow any of the links below for more information about each of the passengers we made.
Streptavidin |
Leucine Zippers |
Ag4 Peptide |
MGFP-5 |
Cellulases |
TypeIII Needle scFv |
- Displayers
Protein localization - The general scheme of protein localization is as shown in the following diagram.
Gram-negative bacteria have double membranes that present a problem for protein localization. Several protein transport mechanisms have been evolved to deal with this problem. These mechanisms include TypeI - TypeV secretion.
In our display systems, we used mainly autotransporters and some circularly permuted proteins. Autotransporters belong to a class of outermembrane proteins that is part of the TypeV secretion system common in many prokaryotic organisms.
azo1653 AtD OprF AtD Cl02365 AtD VtaA11 Hag AtD Pcryo_1225AtD Hia AtD upaG_short espP(beta) ehaB TshA VirG YuaQ AtD AIDA-I AtD Ag43_short
Repeated portion of ice nucleation protein (INP) sequence.