Team:Wash U/Biological Parts


Revision as of 17:15, 25 June 2009 by Jknudsen1 (Talk | contribs)


Component Description Part/Accession # Base Pairs Plasmid Resistance Well
RBS Ribosomal Binding Site [ BBa_B0034] 12 pSB1A2 Ampicillin plate 1, 2M
Red Light Sensor description [ BBa_I15010] 2,238 pSB2K3 Kanamycin N/A
OmpR (E. coli) description [$=databasead&logdbfrom=protein NP_417864.1] 720 pSB1T3 Tetracycline N/A
Terminator description [ BBa_B0015] 129 pSB1AK3 Ampicillin
and Kanamycin
plate 1, 23L
OmpR + Terminator description sequence 916 pany-amp Ampicillin synthesized
OmpC promoter description [ BBa_R0082] 108 pSB1A2 Ampicillin plate 1, 16K
puc B/A description sequence 375 pSB1A3 Ampicillin N/A
puc B description [$=databasead&logdbfrom=nuccore YP_353390] 156 ? ? N/A
puc A description [$=databasead&logdbfrom=nuccore YP_353391] 165 ? ? N/A
OmpC promoter+BA description sequence 539 pany-kana Kanamycin synthesized
Light Response System description [ BBa_M30109] 4,333 ? Ampicillin N/A
TetR repressible description [ BBa_J13002] 74 pSB1A2 Ampicillin plate 1, 13B
Green Flourescent Protein description [ BBa_E0240] 976 pSB1A2 Ampicillin plate 1, 12M
