Cathy Liu
The Team |
The Human Organizer
My name is Cathy, and here's a nice chunky paragraph about me. I am currently a second-year student on the UCSF iGem team and will be a sophomore at the University of California, Los Angeles this Fall. Outside of the lab, you will find me with my closest friends. I am a huge movie junky and I spend a lot of time watching television now that the internet makes up for lack of cable. I like spending time with my boyfriend, baking for special occasions, and making birthday cards by hand. If you got an art project for me, I'll take it. I absolutely, positively love to eat. And I enjoy the company of the Food Network. I like funny people or just a good laugh. I like to shop. I really like the Harry Potter series. Last summer, I volunteered to present and the iGem jamboree and realized how much I like to deliver Powerpoint presentations. I like music. I like to play badminton. I like Fridays and Saturdays. I like the comfort of car rides. I like amusement parks and roller coasters. I like huge medical terms thrown around by doctors. I like to sleep. I like my cat. If I were not set on a profession in the scientific field, I would want to be a dancer. I like the night air in San Francisco. I love my home and the family that keeps it warm. Most of all, I like all the good stuff that has shaped my nineteen years so far. Iām excited for what this world has in store for me for the next however many years, and this Jamboree is just one of the gajillion things that I refer to. I now leave you with four epic letters: UCSF