Team:Alberta/Project/Gel Electrophoresis


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University of Alberta - BioBytes

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

What you will need:

  • 1X TAE
  • Graduated cylinder
  • 250 mL flask
  • Agarose
  • Gel forming tray
  • Ethidium bromide


  • Dilute stock of 50X TAE to 1X with ddH2O.
  • Measure 70 mL of buffer for small gels (large gels 170 ml).
  • Transfer buffer to 250 mL flask (or 500 ml).
  • Weigh out enough agarose to make 1% gel. (1% of 70 mL is 0.70 g)
  • Transfer agarose to flask. Form an improvised cap by inverting 50 ml flask into neck.
  • Melt agarose in microwave, stirring ever 15-20 seconds. This should take about 2 min.
  • Allow agarose to cool.
  • While agarose is cooling, assemble gel pouring apparatus by inserting gate into slots. Use a pasteur pipet to run a bead of molten agarose along the inner and outer edges of the gates to help seal the box and prevent leaks.
  • Allow gel to cool until flask can be handled comfortably.
  • Place comb in the gel rig.
  • Pour agarose into gel tray.
  • Allow to solidify completely. While the gel is solidifying, prepare the samples. Add your sample and 2uL of 10x OG loading dye to a tube, then make the total volume of the tube up to 20 uL. Or 2.2 ul of 10x OG to 20 ul sample.
  • Pour 1X TAE over gel so that gel is covered by 3-5 mm of buffer.
  • Load samples into lane. Do not forget to load 1kb+ ladder into one of the lanes.
  • Hook electrodes to gel apparatus. Nucleic acids are negatively charged, so they will run to the positive (red) terminal.
  • Pipette 10 uL ethidium bromide (from 10 mg/ml stock) into the buffer at the bottom of the gel. Mix well
  • Turn on the gel. Run for 60 min @ 90V. Check with handheld UV Source.
  • Place gel in plastic wrap.
  • Carry to G311.
  • With bare hands log in as Gen 420 with password Molecular1.
  • Double click on the Genesnap from Syngene icon.
  • Click on the Green Button to start live image.
  • Put one glove on your left hand and place gel on transilluminator. Now do not touch anything with your left hand.
  • With your right hand slide the door down completely.
  • The transilluminator image on the screen should turn purple.
  • Use the arrows on the exposure button to increase the exposure time until the gel and bands are clearly visible.
  • If necessary use the zoom arrows to increase or decrease the size of the gel.
  • Reposition the gel if necessary – open the door with your right hand and move the gel with your gloved left hand.
  • To fine focus the image use the eye arrows.
  • When the image is sized and focused properly capture it by clicking the red button.
  • Print a photograph by clicking the printer icon in the tool bar at the top.
  • Record your use on the sheet. Supervisor=iGEM and your initials.
  • Log off.
  • Remove your gel and clean the transilluminator with water and dry with paper towels.
  • Take the gel back to the lab and dispose of properly.


  • Ethidium bromide is carcinogenic!