Optimizing Linear AssemblyMuch work has been done to try and increase the efficiency by which we generate the Bytes, anchor them, assemble them, and terminate them. A general outline of the optimizations we have considered and worked on are shown below as well as their effects on the process.
The Uracil Dilemma
The original format of the universal primers did not have the uracils distributed evenly within the primer. The result was poor efficiency in construction on a bead. Our hypothesis was that the uracils, if they were distributed more evenly, would create smaller pieces of ssDNA that would more easily melt off the Byte to generate fully ssDNA 12 base overhangs. The first version of our USER ends is shown below. By changing primers to their current form we have consequently increased efficiency of construction 2.5 times that of the first version.
PCR OptimizationThe first step in producing workable quantities of BioBytes is PCR with the universal deoxyuracil-containing primers. Only slight tweaking of PCR conditions was required to produce ideal quantities of Bytes.
BioByte ProcessingAn essential step in assembly with BioBytes is the preparation of the Bytes. Following PCR the product is USERTM digested to nick the DNA. Finally, the Bytes are purified away from these small ssDNA pieces to prevent their binding to the sticky ends during assembly and consequently negatively influencing the efficiency of construction. The following describes the results of optimization experiments conducted to increase efficiency of BioBytes.
BioByte AssemblyOnce the Bytes have been amplified, digested, and purified they can be assembled onto the bead. The process of building the constructs on the bead is simple but critical since by this point you have invested money and time into getting your Bytes ready. Thus it was important to optimize the assembly as much as we could in the short duration of the project.
Alternatives to the USERTM SystemOriginally, project BioBytes required the use of a few different restriction enzymes to generate the 12 base 3' sticky ends. Also, we had experimented with termination PCR to generate our ends using the universal deoxyuracil primers. However, the current system of BioBytes remains the most effective to date. Alternatives to the current system are still being considered.