Would any of your project ideas raise safety issues in terms of:
Researcher safety
Public safety
Environmental safety
Is there a local biosafety group, committee or review board at Washington University in St. Louis?
All research conducted at Washington University (medical school and main campus) is under the supervision of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR). This office is responsible for all concerns pertaining to research and publications produced by the university. Among other things, our lab must comply with the Environmental Health and Safety Policy and Procedures laid out by the OVCR. Furthermore, every team member has completed an Annual Regulatory and Safety Review for Laboratory Personnel offered by the Environmental Health and Safety committee at Washington University. To view the full list of Environmental Health and Safety Policies and Prcedures, please click [http://ehs.wustl.edu/new/safetycommittee.htm here].
What does this review board think about the safety of our project?
Do our new BioBricks (ones that we have created) raise any safety concerns?