Team:MoWestern Davidson/project mathmodel


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Lego Models

B2 Bomber

Rough and Fine distribution

To classify SAT problems, we began looking at the Rough distribution of each problem, meaning how many inputs satisfied a certain number of clauses in a problem. The table below gives the number of clauses satisfied for a few select 2-SAT problems for each input.

  • The rough distribution for the red problem is 0143. That distribution means 0 inputs satisfied 0 clauses, 1 input satisfied 1 clause, 4 inputs satisfied 2 clauses and 3 inputs satisfied all 3 clauses.


Fine distributions look more deeply at how each clause was satisfied. If an input satisfies one or two literals in a clause, that clause is satisfied singly or doubly respectively.

  • The fine distribution for the red problem from the table above is 0011212100. This distribution means that 0 inputs satisfied 0 clauses, 0 inputs satisfied 1 clause singly, 1 input satisfied 1 clause doubly, 1 input satisfied 2 clauses with 2 singles, 2 inputs satisfied 2 clauses with 1 single and 1 double, 1 input satisfied 2 clauses with 2 doubles, 2 inputs satisfied 3 clauses with 3 singles, 1 input satisfied 3 clauses with 2 singles and 1 double, 0 inputs satisfied 3 clauses with 1 single and 2 doubles, and 0 inputs satisfied 3 clauses with 3 doubles.