

Revision as of 11:39, 28 July 2009 by Bvanpary (Talk | contribs)



As an introduction to modelling we made a short presentation. This presentation handles about the following:

  • some definitions and the role of modelling
  • black and white box modelling
  • the role of ordinary differential equations
  • modelling applied to iGEM

this presentations is mainly based on the presentation of last year and the wiki of ETH Zürich 2007.

model overview

Controller system.png

The scientific procedure for the study of a physical system can be divided in the following 3 steps

  • Parameterization of the system: discover the minimal set of parameters that completely define the system.
  • Foward modelling: define the physical laws that, given the values of the parameters of the system, determine the value of the observable parameters.
  • Inverse modelling: given observed parameters, infer the actual parameters that produced the observed data.


["Inverse problem theory and methods for model parameter estimation", Albert Tarantola]
["Modern simulation and modeling", Reuven Y. Rubinstein, Benjamin Melamed]