Minnesota/22 June 2009

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I figured out how to fix the issue with deleting reactions. Unfortunately, changing designGUI appears to be impossible. So a work-around needs to be established for the non-linear parameter variations.

Here is the first incarnation of the TNN model (many future models will simply change this one):

Reaction Forward Kinetic Constant Reverse Kinetic Constant
RNAp + lacP + lacI4:lacO1 -> RNAp:lacP6.23E+05
RNAp + lacP + lacO1 ↔ RNAp:lacP1E+07 1
RNA:lacP -> RNAp:lacP* .01
RNAp:lacP* -> lacP + lacO1 + RNAp:DNAgfp30
RNAp:DNAgfp -> RNAp + gfp_mRNA30
gfp_mRNA + rib -> rib:gfp_mRNA100000
rib:gfp_mRNA -> rib:gfp_mRNA_1 + gfp_mRNA33
rib:gfp_mRNA_1 -> rib + gfp33
tetR2 + aTc ↔ tetR2:aTc2E+094E-04
tetR2:aTc + aTc ↔ tetR2:aTc21E+081E-03
tetR2:aTc + tetO1 ↔ tetR2:tetO1:aTc1E+081
tetR2:aTc2 + tetO1 ↔ tetR2:tetO1:aTc21E+081E+05
tetR2:tetO1 + aTc ↔ tetR2:tetO1:aTc1E+081E-03
tetR2:tetO1:aTc + aTc ↔ tetR2:tetO1:aTc21E+081E-03
tetR2 -> Ø2.89E-04
tetR2:aTc -> aTc2.89E-04
tetR2:aTc2 -> 2 aTc2.89E-04
tetR2 + nsDNA ↔ tetR2:nsDNA10003.2409
tetR2:aTc + nsDNA ↔ tetR2:aTc:nsDNA10003.2409
tetR2:aTc:nsDNA -> aTc + nsDNA1.93E-04
tetR2:nsDNA -> nsDNA1.93E-04
Ø -> tetR21E-11
Ø -> aTc3.3E-04
gfp_mRNA -> Ø1.16E-03
gfp -> Ø3.21E-05