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April 27, 2009
- Received from Rosa (SPiT):
- TM0785
- Plasmid containing encapsulin
- Recommend transfect into bacteria and re-sequence
- See email note regarding sequence error
- 0.5 microliters TMG DNA 100 microgram/microliter
- Use 0.4 microliter for 50 microliter PCR reaction
- This is thumotoga maritime genomic DNA for purpose of re-cloning
- TM0785
- Microcentrifuge tubes 1 and 2 placed in -20 freezer
May 15, 2009
- pH buffers received from VWR Mississauga
- pH 4 buffer (red) 500 ml
- pH 7 buffer (yellow) 500 ml
- pH 10 buffer (blue) 500 ml
Above are used for pH/mV Meter calibration
- pH/mV meter calibrated according to manual – recorded in index
- Ethanol solution (70%) made from 85% ethanol
May 19, 2009
- 2L of TE buffer made (10X TE)
- Recipe for 2L from stock solution (10X TE)
- a) 10 ml 1M Tris-HCl pH 7.5-80.0 x 2 = 20 ml
- b) 2 ml 0.5 M EDTA pH 8.0 x 2 = 4 ml
- c) 988 ml ddH20 x 2 = 1976 ml
- To make Tris-HCl, Tris base is used and adjusted to desired pH using HCl
- 1 M Tris base is required of which 20 ml is required – thereby 2.4228 g Tris base (due to scale limitations, 2.42g of Tris Base was used
- Recipe for 2L from stock solution (10X TE)
- 500 ml of 1 M Tris Base made
- mass of Tris used = 1M/1000 ml x 500 ml x 121.14 g/mol = 60.57 g
- volume of water used = 500 ml
- 250 ml of 0.5 M EDTA solution was made
- mass of EDTA used = 36.53 g
- observations: EDTA did not dissolve in ddH2O on heat and being stirred
May 21, 2009
- Retrieved autoclaved ddH20, glycerol solution
- Gel Electrophoresis (test run)
- 1% gel: 0.5 g agar mixed with 50 ml of 1X TBE
- 10X TBE diluted with 5 ml TBE + 45 ml ddH20 – did not use all 50 ml for 1 gel (gel will be too thick – make 2 instead)
- Loading Dye: add glycerol solution to 25 mg bromophenol blue then add dH20 to 10 ml (to make 6X)
- Running gel: match wells to black side, run at 120 mA
- Visualize Gel in UV
- Turn power on
- Gel in machine face up
- Close door securely
- Turn white light on
- Adjust zoom, contrast, focus from black dial on top of machine
- Turn white light off (turns on UV)
- Press ‘live’ toggle – acq. Should be 0.4 sec.
- Print if desired or save on floppy disk
- Turn power off
- Dispose of gel in proper container
- Close door
May 25, 2009
- Made overnight bacteria culture (200 ml LB: 20 microliters DB3.1)
May 26, 2009
- Took overnight cultures from incubator
- Inoculated 2 500 ml flasks with 25 ml of overnight culture (1 flask/culture)
- Placed 500 ml flasks into incubator at 37 degrees Celcius
- Grew overnights of DB3.1 from Waterloo (thanks :))
June 3, 2009
- Plasmid transformed = pSB1AC3 (TEST)
- Note: team members were of mixed opinion as to whether the transform was likely due to low availability of DNA - DNA was split between a number of transformation reactions for at least 2 different DB3.1 strains. Plates incubated at 30 degrees Celsius overnight, temp. raised to 37 degrees approx. 10:30 a.m.
June 5, 2009
- Tet plates made
- Recipe for 200 ml (approx. 10 plates):
- 2.2 g agar in 200 ml fresh LB
- Note: do not re-autoclave LB, it will caramelize!
- Recipe for 200 ml LB:
- a) 1 g yeast extract
- b) 2 g peptotryptone
- c) 2 g NaCl
- d) 200 ml water
- Recipe for 200 ml (approx. 10 plates):
- Autoclaved at 11:20 a.m., picked up at 1:15 p.m. and cooled in water bath at 37 degrees Celsius
- Added 200 microlitres tetracycline stock (from -20 freezer) to final concentration of 20 microgram/ml
- Swirl and poured into prepared, labeled plates
- Note: label on plates reads June 3, 2009 but should be June 5, 2009 (8 plates in total - either I overpoured or these plates are a bit larger than I was used to)
- Inverted and put in 37 degree incubator to dry
June 8, 2009
- Bacteria grown to log phase using sterile inoculating loop to inoculate approx. 200 ml of LB media with bacteria from 2 plates (approx. 3 colonies)
- Bacterial liquid culture placed in shaker at 10:51 a.m.
June 9, 2009
- Digested miniprepped gel with EcoRI and SpeI
- Running gel to see if correct plasmid was purified - should expect to see bands at ~3200 bp
- DNA Ladder made - 6 microlitres of stock used
June 10, 2009
- Poured 10 Tet plates following procedure on June 5, 2009
- Due to problems with DNA ladder and restriction enzyme digest yesterday, procedures were followed again today with the following adjustments
- DNA was diluted and run on lanes 1-5 of gel:
- Lane 1 - 1X
- Lane 2 - 1/6X
- Lane 3 - 1/36X
- Lane 4 - 1/10X
- Lane 5 - 1/100X
- Restriction enzyme digest was repeated with an incubation time of 4 h at 37 degrees Celsius and heat shock at 80 degrees Celsius was done in hot water bath
- Results: Dilution did not work well (ladder could not be visualized). Digest appeared to work as 3 bands could be seen in last 2 lanes
- Adjustments for tomorrow:
- Spin down enzymes before using
- Overnight digest
- DNA was diluted and run on lanes 1-5 of gel: