Jamboree/Social Event

From 2009.igem.org

Revision as of 17:06, 13 October 2009 by KONG (Talk | contribs)



Event Details

The party will take place at [http://www.jilliansboston.com/ Jillian's of Boston] on Sunday, November 1 from 8pm to 12am. There will be dancing, billiards, bowling, lounge space, and cash bar (21+ with valid ID) on the 1st and 2nd floors of Jillian's.


We have arranged to have shuttle buses to bring people from MIT campus to the event location at Jillian's in the Fenway area of Boston. Detailed information will be provided in your registration packet handbook and on the Jamboree page.

Team Mascots

Phage mascot

Help us bring some iGEM fun to the party... bring your team mascots to the social event!

Event Planning

We want your help in planning the iGEM 2009 Jamboree Social Event!!!
We named the social event "iCEM dance party" (International Cultural Exchange Masquerade dance party), but the event plan is not determined. Then we decided to set up the committee and to plan the party all together. If you are interested in helping, please enter each discussions and add your name on "The Members of the Committee" section.


If you have an idea to make this party more fun or what you want to do at this party, please write down here. It's okay that details of your idea have not been determined. Someone of the committee will add the alien idea to your idea. It's interesting, don't you think?

1. I named this day(November 1st) NEO HALLOWEEN!! I want this party more fun than other usual Halloween party. Then, I have an idea. In Halloween, children go to get the sweets with saying "Trick or Treat!", by contrast in NEO HALLOWEEN, we will go to give the sweets that is popular or traditional in each countries. This activity can show us customs of each countries and maybe we can be surprised at this. (e.g "What's this!? It's really delicious!!" or "It's not for human > < why have you brought this?") Of course, it is natural to wear a costume. You can enjoy not only masquerading but also introducing culture to each other. --Shohei

  • Of course a Halloween party is a wonderful idea, I for one have never had a Halloween so it's cool. However, we need to keep in mind that people have to travel from far. Can they all take a costume with them? (Or elaborate treats for that matter) -- WJP
    • Surely, WJP's opinion is right, but I don't expect that everyone wears full costume, I want them to wear partial costume but they have cultural meanings, for example a wig of topknot of samurai for Japanese or a mask of luchadore for Mexican. Moreover, we can do nothing if we're concerned about only risk. I think we should think not risk but how to gather participants, for example thinking a interesting plan, announcement to everyone. --Shohei
  • What do you think about preparing body painting tools for participants who can't bring some costume. If there are paintings of national flags on faces, we can distinguish the person's nationality. --Shohei

2. I think we need to keep a mascots competition, who can think of the nicest mascot representing their team ánd project!? -- WJP

  • It's good idea! I think that we should do not only mascots competition but also logotype, costume and Miss iGEM(or iCEM?) competition. For this, we have to prepare voting slips and add up the votes on the day. --Shohei

I think about to make some weird prizes like the most funniest team, also i have the idea to make something like collect something from the other teams to maximize interchange, maybe we can give points or something and at the end of the night give a prize for the people with more score or something :) --Cjdg 15:31, 3 October 2009 (UTC)

  • Nice idea! For carrying out this idea, I think one example. At first, we give participants a big card and we make them write down their name on the card. If she/he communicate with others during the party, write down signature on that card each other. At the end of the party, the collecter who get the most signature win the prize. Furthermore, the name card will be a good souvenior for everyone. --Shohei


Can you do DJ playing? If you want to do, it might be possible. If you want, at first please write down your name here and negotiate with the committee. If you have music that you want to play, please prepare it.

Cristian Delgado Myspace: [http://www.myspace.com/djcristiandelgado www.myspace.com/djcristiandelgado]

  • I listened your myspace music. It's great! Are you a pro DJ? The main DJ of iCEM can be decided. --Shohei

Mandar phatak I can help him..I do a lot of computer music and will be of help to cjdg.


Jillian's Boston seems to have a great video system, so if you have the video that you want to show us, you can do that! We wait your fantastic video.

Isn't there any movie creators? It will be nice if we have some short movie.(KazutoIKEDA)

  • I prepared hot software. It can make movie easily by some photos. If committee's member take some photo of looks of iGEM presentation, I can make movies on the day. --Shohei


To liven up the party, what decoration do we need?

We definitely need some Halloween decorations, but maybe if you ask they still have it at Jillian's?? Such places usually have some kind of seasonal decorations? -- WJP

  • If I can help it, I want to decorate this party with the original decoration because this is NEOHALLOWEEN. However, in view of lack of time, money and hands we might not do that, but I want to change keycolor from orange and black to others, all the same. --Shohei

The Members of the Committee

  1. Meagan Lizarazo (iGEM HQ)
  2. Shohei Nakamura ( Team Osaka)
  3. Kazuto Ikeda( Team Osaka)
  4. Noritaka Hara ( Team Osaka)
  5. Wilfred Poppinga (Team Groningen)
  6. Cristian Delgado (UNAM Mexico Team)
  7. Raíssa Estrela (UNICAMP-Brazil)

Maybe we can bring a more dynamic disccusion by using the iGEM Forum (not used intensively right now)?? I have made an iCEM topic