Uppsala-Sweden/25 August 2009
From 2009.igem.org

The plasmids holding our bio bricks were digested according to the file below.
The concentrationa measured after digestion and purification (NucleoSpin PCR clean up kit)
The volumes used for ligation is shown in the file below "digest_purification_measur_09825.htm"
Media:Ligation voulume calcuator_pSB1AK3_090825.xls
This file "Biobricks and vectors" contains a list of ready bio bricked genes.
Media:Biobricks and vectors.xls --Flormane 18:16, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
Oligos for RNAi and Primers for PirA ordered
--Karl.brune 18:37, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
Evaluating competence
Three sets of cells were transformed with 1 l each pUC19 control plasmid. The cells were Hsin Ho's, our earlier and our new cells. The usual transformation procedure was followed.' --Flormane 13:09, 26 August 2009 (UTC)