

Revision as of 11:38, 6 September 2009 by Yoshimi (Talk | contribs)


The Project

Delay Switch

Parallel Activation

Series Activation



30分後、1時間後、12時間後…、セットした時間に自動的にスイッチが入る「タイマー」は、電子機器に不可欠な基本機能です。生物には薬をつくったり、有害物質を分解したりといった様々な機能があります。この生物の優れた機能も、自由にタイマー起動できるようにしたい! ということで、私たちを含む世界中のチームが、様々なタイマー作りにしのぎを削っています。


Project Design

Signaling System

In this project, we use acylated homoserine lactones (AHLs), signaling molecules used for quorum sensing in gram negative bacteria. Senders express LuxI or similar enzymes, which catalyze the production of AHLs, under the control of a constitutive (Tet) promoter. Each cell thus generates AHL more or less at a constant rate. AHL can freely permeate cell membranes and are detected by neighboring cells. Receivers constitutively express LuxR proteins (or a similar ortholog), the protein that detects AHL concentrations. When AHLs bind LuxR proteins, the AHL-LuxR complex activates the Lux promoter. The threshold [AHL] at which switching occurs is determined by the affinity of AHL for the particulr LuxR ortholog. (more about quorum sensing)

Constructing A Delay Switch, Multiple Ways


In principle, there are three ways to delay the activation of chemical communications;

  1. Silencing the Speakers: Rate of signal accumulation down-regulated, for instance, by slowing down the signal generators.
  2. Desensitize Receivers: Switching threshold elevated, for instance, by using insensitive receiver/ reporter systems.
  3. Partial Blocking: Decreasing the by chewing the signal up.

Constructing A Flow of Activation

1, Parallel Activation

2, Series Activation
