Team:Groningen/Graphs/Promoters/Fluorescence/TY/BBa J23100


Revision as of 14:35, 24 July 2009 by Jaspervdg (Talk | contribs)
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{ datasource: '', width: '8cm', height: '5cm', series: [

/* List of LB control data series */
{xf: 'cell(0,0)/60', y: 12, yf: 'cell(12,0)+9.06818181818182', stroke: {color: '#F00'}},
{xf: 'cell(0,0)/60', y: 24, yf: 'cell(24,0)+20.05', stroke: {color: '#A00'}},
{xf: 'cell(0,0)/60', y: 36, yf: 'cell(36,0)+20.05', stroke: {color: '#0F0'}},
{xf: 'cell(0,0)/60', y: 48, yf: 'cell(48,0)+20.05', stroke: {color: '#0A0'}},
{xf: 'cell(0,0)/60', y: 60, yf: 'cell(60,0)+20.05', stroke: {color: '#00F'}},
{xf: 'cell(0,0)/60', y: 72, yf: 'cell(72,0)+20.05', stroke: {color: '#00A'}},

], axes: {x: {title: "time (min)" }, y: {title: "Fluorescence", vertical: true, min: 0} }, plots: { 'default': {type: 'Lines'} } }