

Revision as of 19:13, 1 October 2009 by Carlos perez (Talk | contribs)

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About IPOC
En Español

Our Instructors:

As a group, we would be without our teachers?, they are part of our development as a group as well as becoming a key to the projection of our ideas, they are:

Dr. Raul Cuero PhD.
IPOC Primary Instructor
I love and joy the unknown and sharing it with the youth
Lina Sanchez
IPOC General Manager
Gladys Rocio Campos
IPOC Bucaramanga Rergional Manager
Dra. Alba Lucía Arámbula Ordóñez
IPOC Bucaramanga Regional Asisstant
Jhon Henry Trujillo


And the participants?

We are young students that despite be pursuing different careers, aporvechamos these to increase our ability as a group in addition to belonging to different universities and schools,here we are:

Carlos Pérez
Electronic Engineering Student
Fourth Semester
At Universidad Industrial De Santander
Eighteen Years Old

As engineer I like maths, physics, however chemical processes and practices in the lab are invaluable to me, apart from this I work in graphic arts and take care of this wiki.

Diana Sandoval
Mechanical Engineering Student
First Semester
At Universidad Industrial De Santander
Seventeen Years Old
Diana Vasquez
Medicine Student
First Semester
At Universidad Industrial De Santander
Eighteen Years
  Gabriel Jiménez
Jennifer Russi
Systems Engineering Student
Fourth Semester
At Universitaria De Investigacion Y Dessarrrollo
Nineteen Years Old
Colorful personality. When I have to work in laboratories, I can be nagging ... but in moments of relaxation the situation changes. A lover of music, dance, dances. Diehard and dedicated student. Total favor of no better medicine than laughter.
Kateryn Cortes
Aspiring to be Chemical Engineering Student
Eleven Grade
At Luis Carlos Galan Sarmiento School
Seventeen Years Old
I like to learn from what I see and from that do it myself, listening to music, reading, among other things. I try to do things when I can, I am good at working with DNA, and mount the gel in general, I like to do anything so interesting.
Lynda Bautista
At Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana
  Nathalia Nariño
At Universidad Industrial De Santander
Paula Porras
Rafael Gomez
At Universidad Manuela Beltran
Silvia Gonzáles
At Universidad Industrial De Santander