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{{kuleq|\frac{N(N+1)}{5} }}
{{kuleq|\frac{N(N+1)}{5} }}
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Revision as of 08:42, 31 August 2009

Marriage Between iGEM and KUL in 2009


File:Home page voorstel.pdf

Regulation bacteria

The main idea is to develop a bacteria that regulates the concentration of a molecule 'X' and keeps it constant by a dynamical equilibrium (see presentation). This is being done by simultaneous synthesis and degradation (with 1 or 2 being dependant on concentration), a dynamical equilibrium exists when the synthesis equals the degradation. This dynamical equilibrium can be set by using light sensor, the light intensity would then be proportional to the concentration for the equilibrium.


Find magical molecule 'X'

Ideas for in aquarium (nutrients for fish):


Essentiele aminoacids:

  • Methionine
    • Methionine on
    • But no export mechanism
      • TAT sequentie aanbouwen, systeem voor volledig gevouwen protein naar buiten brengen


  • pH
  • O2

Andere ideeën:

  • LCD idee
    • polarisatie door L en R moleculen, een ervan afbreken wat de verhouding tussen de 2 veranderd
  • Geur bacterie
    • Vanille geur
    • biobricks
      • Odor bricks
        • (Banana odor generator)
        • (Wintergreen odor generator)
        • (Feruloyl-CoA hydratase for vanillin biosynthesis protein generator) <-- nog geen experience/DNA in kit
        • (Synthetic periplasmic binding protein that docks a vanillin molecule)
      • Ervaring van iGEM 2006 groep ivm wintergreen en banana odor generator
    • Meten van vanille


\frac{N(N+1)}{5} {{{1}}}