
From 2009.igem.org

Revision as of 10:07, 25 September 2009 by Jaspervdg (Talk | contribs)

This template lets any user of the Wiki include a graph in a Wiki page much like he/she can include an image. The graph is defined using JSON that describes the graph directly using the properties supported by the charting library in the Dojo Toolkit. As datasource either a Wiki table, a (publicly accessible) Google Docs spreadsheet or a script (Javascript) can be used.

Steps to get a graph onto the Wiki:

  1. Create a table on a Wiki page and give it an id (optional if it is the first/only table on the page).
  2. Create a Wiki page with the following text (replacing all the bits between '/*' and '*/' with whatever is appropriate in your case (see the Dojo documentation for information on the options available):
    datatable: '/*url of table*/',
    width: '/*width, including a unit, e.g. 8cm*/',
    height: '/*height, including a unit, e.g. 5cm*/',
    series: [
    /* comma-separated list of data series to display, e.g. for just one data series: */
    {x: /*x column*/, y: /*y column*/ /*, style options */}
    {{defaultAxes|xtitle=/*time (s)*/|ytitle=/*concentration (µM)*/}},
  3. Use
    {{graph|/*Wiki graph page name*/}}
    to use the graph in any Wiki page (note that any Wiki page using a graph must also use

As an example Team:Groningen/Graphs/Test can be rendered using:


Which looks like this:

Loading graph...

And this is not limited to line charts, as Team:Groningen/Graphs/TestPie shows (note that it could have been made to look a little nicer by tweaking the plot options):

Loading graph...

Instead of a spreadsheet a script can also be used as datasource:

Loading graph...

And an example showing scaled versions of the above graphs:

Loading graph...
Loading graph...
Loading graph...

Please note that any page using this template should also include Template:GraphHeader (once), this need not be at the beginning of the document.