ULB/7 September 2009

From 2009.igem.org

Revision as of 21:23, 30 September 2009 by Calvin (Talk | contribs)

Results of ligation:

  • Colonies of ligation with IPTG present a filamentous appearance when we spade with a toothpick.
  • Phenotypic tests:
    • Spreading bacteria between a glass surface and a sheet of paper: we can feel resistance.
    • Comparaison of little balls of spreading bacteria from sticking with those from another transformation: the balls of sticky bacteria have pasted and blanck balls didn't paste.

Extracting of plasmides 9, 10, 5, 6 and 2.

Transformation of 5 ligations carried out on 9/5.

Dubbing of the ligation 1 with IPTG in IPTG medium.

  • Results:No fluorescence

Spreading of a large quantity of ligation 1 and 2. Ligation of promoter-RBS-RFP and hfsG-hFSH-terminator.

Following ligations:

  1. LIG1: Tube 4 (insert) + Tube 5
  2. Lig2: Tube 5 (insert) + Tube 9