Team:Freiburg software/Notebook/October


  • 01.10. (Paul) Time is running out, we have to start implementing more functionality so that we have something to present at the jamboree. Unfortunately after yesterdays update, ALL of my Robots just stop working. I'm really hoping it's not a big issue.
  • 03.10. (Paul) It seems that the updates made nothing easier, but lot of things worse. There is a new Bug that Robots cannot create new Blip's anymore, what was the main reason for nothing working anymore. On top of that an Google developer answered one of my Bug-reports (I'm currently writing several of them every day...) that it is intended that robots often do not react on events triggered by other robots rather than a bug. The communication of the Robots that worked before quite well, now often fails. Seems that Google did some work there, fixing the "bugs" I used...
  • 04.10. (Paul) I got most thinks somehow "working" again ... at least about half of the time (that really drives me crasy) and not in a presentable way. I think it unrealistic that Google will fix all these new issues (and the existing old ones) till the jamboree. Boston, we have a problem.
  • 06.10. Emergency-Meeting.
  • 06.10. (Paul) I started decentralizing our framework. That really helped. Blastrobot is now working in a way that deserves the word. I furthermore tried to integrate a ReBase-function and the generation of a circular sequence view, what failed with both, again due to some appengine-limitations. But I'm optimistic that Jörg can maybe outsource the generation of the sequence view as this should not be so different from the upload he a successfully implemented yet.