Lab Sept 01 2009


Revision as of 22:16, 17 October 2009 by Jasoncummer (Talk | contribs)
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Kyliah says: I'll come in today for the afternoon. Did the stabs ever show up? If not, we might be able to substitute something out for the arabinose operon.


Well nothing grew last night so we have some problems. There is one tiny suspicious colony on a P1010 kan plate but I can't imagine it will be correct.

On the plus side, between Dr. Upton and Dr. Nano we should have bench space, along with 4C, -20C and -80C space, so everything we need for the fall!

I'm going to start by running a gel for the parts used yesterday: J23032(Amp) downstream, J23102(Amp) upstream, B0015(AmpKan) downstream, J06504(Amp) upstream, K235000(Cm) downstream

Gel 1 September 1

Started at 2.30pm

1 Kb Ladder J23032 Down


Up B0015 Down J06504 Up K235000 Down P K081005 P K098988

 	No 	Band 	Band 	Band 	No 	No 	Band

sep 1 gel 1.tif

K235009=J23102(Amp)+J23032(Amp)+P1010Cm - No wonder this assembly didn't work, one of the ligation parts seems to be absent

K235010=J06504(Am)+B0015(AmpKan)+P1010Cm - This one should have worked, though.